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Can We Just Send You All 140 of Our Done-For-You Products to Download & Use in Your Business?

So that you can:


Stop letting overwhelm get in your way and just create something. Once you’ve created one amazing product from a template, the next one will be so much easier.


Use a full library of licensed content for inspiration to create your projects.


Never get stuck in self-doubt or overwhelm again, you’ll have all the tools you need to create and start selling.


Never start from scratch again but build on solid foundational content and just add your special sauce to it.

Business Coach on Beach

Are you wondering if something like this even exists? Because it sounds too good to be true. Well…

The All Access Pass gives you all of that and more.

We provide high-quality licensed content that you can pull from to fast-track your product creation – NO starting from scratch!

You have permission to copy the content and use it in your products. You can edit it. You can add to it. You can put your name on it. You can brand it to your business… and so much more.

Here’s what’s included when you get the All Access Pass:

30 Done-for-You Courses

Copy, paste, tweak a little and add your branding… And you’ve got a brand new course!

All of our courses include:

  • Lessons that can be recorded as video/audio content, or turned into a digital ebook.
  • Worksheets, checklists, and exercises to help your clients start implementing what they learn immediately.
  • Sales page copy so that you never have to write another sales page from scratch again.
  • A video script to make hosting a free webinar or live training quick and simple.
  • Email templates to help you get leads and make more sales immediately.
  • Blog posts to create shareable content for social media and even your affiliates.
  • And more! Some packages include social media posts, journals, workbooks, affirmations and more.

Which one are you getting started with?

45 Video Scripts & Printables

You read that right! We wrote all those pesky video scripts for you.

Then we added checklists and worksheets too, so it’s all ready to go for your audience.

Which training are you recording first?

67 Done-for-You Planners

The perfect low-cost product, course bonus, freebie, or client surprise? A relevant planner of course!

We’ve created lots of them for you to use so no matter the topic, there’s a planner for it!

  • Fresh freebies that grow your lists.
  • Low-cost products that bring in passive income.
  • Free & paid trainings that surprise & delight both current and brand new clients

Which ones are you the most excited about sharing?

What’s Included with Your All Access Pass:

  • 30 Done-for-You Courses ($297 value each)
  • 45 Video Scripts & Printables ($97 value each)
  • 67 Done-for-You Planners ($47 value each)

That’s $16,424 in value if you purchased these separately.


Business Coach on Beach

But you can get it all now for just one payment of $997 $797
(only $5.61 per product).

Ready to start creating?

**Sorry, no substitutions or refunds for products you’ve already purchased**

I bought the VIP Pass and I made $79k that year working 2 days a week!

Coach Glue’s content saved my business in a time when I just could not write my own content.

I’m a BIG fan of writing my content. I love it. I’m a creative and I’m VERY picky about it being good, based on what I know.

When I had my daughter in 2014 I knew I could count on Coach Glue to be my voice.

I bought the Coach Glue VIP Club in 2016 in order to provide my community with training that was to the standards I would produce myself.

I was blown away by the fact that my business did not tank in the years I was focused on my daughter.

I made $79k (gross) that year working two days per week!

I TRUSTED Coach Glue to provide my customers with what they needed and I can’t thank Melissa and Nicole enough for being there when I couldn’t!

I NEVER hesitate to recommend CG to my community for high quality content for busy moms or anyone who needs content that they can’t or don’t want to write from scratch themselves.

Angela Wills

Start from scratch? WHY if Coach Glue gets you so close to the finish line, you can start getting results in days, if not hours!

The Coach Glue VIP program has been an incredible resource for me, my business and my leads and clients. Before being a VIP member, I often ran into roadblocks knowing what additional content and tools I should create for the people I serve, but now the ideas and tools come to me so I can turn them into my very own valuable resources. I’ve used the program to add value to existing offers, create lead magnets to turn visitors into prospects, and also to learn from as I continue refining my own business.

Start from scratch? WHY if Coach Glue gets you so close to the finish line, you can start getting results in days, if not hours.

Alex Navas

“I don’t have to start from scratch every time I create a new course, workshop, or training session.”

I love the high quality, comprehensive and well-planned workshops from Coach Glue. Because you have all the steps laid out, from promotion to sales, to hosting high value training, it makes my work so much easier. I don’t have to start from scratch every time I create a new course, workshop, or training session. I also do live, in-person training and workshops and I know I can count on the excellent materials from Coach Glue to supplement my own research and work. My attendees and students will have awesome experiences and plenty to take away and implement.

Jennifer Burke

You ladies do not know just how much your content will and does mean to me and the betterment of others in my tribe!

I was in need of a coach or a program that would show me how to organize my dream while in the beginning stages of building my online consulting community. I had all of these beautiful ideas, yet I needed the “glue” to make it stick and become well constructed. I have high standards as we all do. 🙂 I prayed. I was determined and I would not give up. I continued to do research and presto, i came across “Coach Glue”. I am so thankful and humbled. This is just the beginning of my “JUMP” (<–Steve Harvey), moment. God bless you. You ladies do not know just how much your systems will and does mean to me and the betterment of others in my tribe.

Lisa Nobles

Where do you plan to start?


If you are creating… A Workshop

Grab the relevant video script package and record the training using the script. Brand the accompanying workbook or worksheets.

All you need to do is record it. Your VA can do the rest.


If you are creating… A Course

Pick a course package and easily pull together the entire program. Use all of the content or create your own and sell it using the done-for-you marketing assets.

Use what you need, when you need it and start selling your new course.


If you are creating… A small digital product

Brand one of the planners and sell it using a simple order form. Give it away as a freebie or delight your best clients with a free copy for them only.

It’s all possible with our planners and worksheets.

Business Coach on Beach

No matter what you want to create first, we have the right content for you.

Here’s Everything You’ll Get When You Buy Your All Access Pass Today:

  • 30 Done-for-You Courses ($297 value each)
  • 45 Video Scripts & Printables ($97 value each)
  • 67 Done-for-You Planners ($47 value each)

That’s $16,424 in value if you purchased these separately.


Business Coach on Beach

But you can get it all now for just one payment of $997 $797
(only $5.61 per product).

Ready to start creating?

**Sorry, no substitutions or refunds for products you’ve already purchased**

The VIP program contains a wealth of really useful material!

It is helping me in my coaching business, I am learning about strategies and techniques that I in turn can teach my clients.

Ann Ljungberg

They do all of the “heavy lifting” and allow me to put 110% focus on my marketing and my clients!

I have been a long term client of “coach glue” for several years for a few reasons.

  1. The content is so well put together, Nicole & Melissa do a fabulous job with EVERYTHING they put out.
  2. As a marketer &b a business coach – they do all of the “heavy lifting” and allow me to put 110% focus on my marketing and my clients!
  3. Every single month there is fresh content – great new tools and incredible strategies that I can immediately use for my clients.

Without a doubt, Coach Glue helps keep my clients STUCK ON ME! Thanks ladies!!!

Brad Ross

Not sure if this is for you?

This is for you if:


You’re excited to create digital products, courses, and workshops to help your audience.


You’re a smart and savvy coach but overthinking is holding you back. You know that if you curb the overwhelm you’ll sell more offers soon enough.


You are done starting from zero every single month. You want to start seeing digital product sales and payment plans coming in even when you’re not working!

This is not for you if:


You are looking to blame others for not reaching your ideal levels of success when it's due to inaction or playing small in your business. Even with our licensed content, you still have to take action to succeed.


You’re happy just doing 1:1 coaching and don’t want to create or sell any digital products. Creating passive income streams is not something you're ready for.


You aren't willing to outsource your roadblocks. Every successful entrepreneur knows when to outsource. Consider us your content creation secret!

What’s Included with Your All Access Pass:

  • 30 Done-for-You Courses ($297 value each)
  • 45 Video Scripts & Printables ($97 value each)
  • 67 Done-for-You Planners ($47 value each)

That’s $16,424 in value if you purchased these separately.


Business Coach on Beach

But you can get it all now for just one payment of $997 $797
(only $5.61 per product).

Ready to start creating?

**Sorry, no substitutions or refunds for products you’ve already purchased**

These products make it easier to take action!

Discovering CoachGlue has made the things I learned in other coaching programs much more clear. Being new to the coaching industry, it gives me great cont, content ideas, and streamlines the process off implementation so I’m not stuck in my creative brain. These products make it easier to take action using what I’ve learned elsewhere. Excited to see my business grow now.

Anna Hawthorne-Harris

Coach Glue has up leveled my success coaching business!

THANK YOU! Coach Glue has up leveled my success coaching business. I have confidence that I have added resources to help my clients reach their goals and systems in place to reach my goals. In the process of building a membership site, access to these materials ease the pressure that along with my own content I will have fresh content to add when needed. Thank You again for such awesome materials.

Pam Karlen

After buying into a couple of stand-alone offers, I realized that I was not only wrong about done-for-you content, but that I was needed to make the investment in me and the VIP Program!

I was a huge skeptic of the idea of done-for-you content, but was at a point that I was working too hard for too little output and needed to make a change. Plus, I thought, there was no way that I could customize the content well-enough to work in my voice, style and for my audience (which is rather unique). After buying into a couple of stand-alone offers, I realized that I was not only wrong about done-for-you content, but that I was needed to make the investment in me and the VIP Program.

Steph Kelly

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the VIP Right for Me?

Is the All Access Pass Right for Me?

Let us put it this way. Even if you just READ the content and don’t have immediate plans to create your own coaching programs, yes. You’ll learn and it’s worth the money.

However, if you do use the content to create your own courses, webinars, livestreams, workshops and retreats – then the value starts to increase very quickly.

Let’s talk numbers.

Group Coaching: If you use this content to create a group coaching program, then you would only need to sell 11 spots at $97 or 3 spots at $397 to earn back your money and start earning a profit, too.

Planners: If you turned one of our planners into a beautiful pdf, and put it up for sale on your site, then you’d only need to sell 37 copies at $27 each to break even!

Is this a membership program?

Is this a membership program?

Nope! You get everything on this page for a ONE-TIME fee of $997. There are NO recurring charges so you will not be billed again in the future.

Will I be getting new content every month?

Will I be getting new content every month?

No. What you see on this page is what you will be getting access to. We will not be adding new content to your download page because this is NOT an ongoing membership program. You are paying a one-time fee to access everything on this page.

When will I get access to my content after signing up?

When will I get access to my content after signing up?

Within 30 minutes after signing up you will receive an email with your username and password to login to your account.

Once you login, you’ll be able to access and download everything shown on this page straight away. 

I've purchased other packages of content from you, can I apply credit from those purchases to the All Access Pass?

I’ve purchased other packages of content from you, can I apply credit from those purchases to this? 

Oh! We love you and appreciate you so much for that.

Here’s the scoop. We have the price for this program set to be affordable and we include SO much. For real…  if you got just 3 of the workshops/courses, they are $297 x 3 = $891. And you get a lot more than 3 of them.

So, although we’ve thought about this, we’d have to increase our prices to cover the additional support.

Our promise is that you’ll love this program so much and save so much money since you won’t have to buy our content separately, that that old expense will be a tiny portion of your overall savings.

What if I decide the All Access Pass is not for me, can I get refund?

What if I decide the All Access Pass is not for me, can I get refund?

Nope! All sales are final. Unfortunately we cannot give refunds on this program because you get instant access to thousands of dollars worth of packages & programs that you can download immediately, therefore your purchase in non-refundable.

If you’re new here, then we suggest you to to and try something smaller first, like one of our done-for-you customizable planners.

What are the terms of use for all this content?

What are the terms of use for all this content?

By purchasing a coaching package/program from us, you are buying a special license that gives you permission to use our content in a variety of ways in your own business.

One important rule to follow, is that you may NOT sell or give away the package or program in its original state as you have purchased it from us. You may only sell or give away the content, templates, and tools in PDF format, and teach it through webinars, livestreams, workshops, courses, videos, etc. Please review the license terms below, and if you have any questions or if you’re unsure of something, please contact us.

Your Purchased License Allows You to:

  • You can sell this to your clients with personal use only rights.
  • You can edit the content, add to the content, or just sell the content as is.
  • You can put your personal name and business name on the content.
  • You can add your business logo to it and change the document colors.
  • You can use parts of this content on your website, blog or in your newsletter.
  • You can use this content for creating an opt-in bonus.
  • You can bundle this content with your other paid programs.
  • You can use this content as a bonus to a paid product.
  • You can add this content to your paid membership programs.
  • You can add this content to your paid group coaching programs.
  • This content can be used as inspiration to create audio or video products.
  • You may publish it offline as a paid workshop, class, program, product.
  • You can give it away to your clients/customers/members.

Your Purchased License Does NOT Allow You to:

  • You may not sell or give away the package or program in its original state as you have purchased it from us.
  • Your may not pass on the rights to your customers to resell the content. 
  • Your customers or clients may NOT give away or sell the content after purchasing from you – if they would like to do so, they need to purchase the content directly from our website. You can sign up for our affiliate program and earn 30-50% commissions on all your referrals (we pay our loyal affiliates weekly).
  • You may not load the content up on Kindle as a book (that’s against Amazon’s terms of service and can get your account banned).
  • You may not sell the content through auction sites, dime sales/firesales.
  • You may not give away or sell your license to this content.
  • You may not give away or sell resell rights or master resell rights.
  • You may not transfer the rights you have to your customer.

* These terms are subject to change. It is your responsibility to check the current terms before you use any of our workshops/programs/content in any way.

What’s Included with Your All Access Pass:

  • 30 Done-for-You Courses ($297 value each)
  • 45 Video Scripts & Printables ($97 value each)
  • 67 Done-for-You Planners ($47 value each)

That’s $16,424 in value if you purchased these separately.


Business Coach on Beach

But you can get it all now for just one payment of $997 $797
(only $5.61 per product).

What will you create first?

**Sorry, no substitutions or refunds for products you’ve already purchased**