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Introducing the Ultimate Coaching Bundle!

Get Instant Access to 2 Done-for-You Business Planners and 36 Letters to Help You Spend Less Time On Paperwork So You Can Do More of What You Love!

No more running in circles. Now you can have customizable versions of everything you need to run your business most efficiently and effectively.

You get all of this Done-for-You content in .doc format so it’s ready to use. You can customize it as much (or as little) as you would like.

You’ll Get These Two Done-for-You Planners:

Group Coaching Program Planner

Design your ideal group coaching program that you can offer to your clients, creating an income stream that takes only a few hours a month to deliver. This planner makes it easy!

Private Coaching Program Planner

Map out your high-end private coaching program. Decide exactly what you want to offer your best clients with the exercises in this planner.

You’ll Also Get These 36 Done-for-You Letters:

From handling client boundary issues to managing refund requests, telling your clients you’re raising your rates, to getting past due payments, you’ll find everything you need in this exclusive bundle right here!

You’ll be free to focus on serving your clients (and getting more clients) – rather than the day to day running of your coaching business.

10 Letters to Help You Save Every Sale

7 Letters to Help You Get More Clients

10 Letters to Help You Manage Difficult Client Situations with Ease

9 Letters to Help You Collect Money Owed from Your Clients

Imagine for a minute what it would cost to outsource all of that. We can tell you it would cost a Virtual Assistant many hours of their time. Then be prepared for a shock when you see the low, low price.

Get This Bundle Today for Only $77, Normally $192!

You’ll receive both planners PLUS ALL four packages of business letters to download and use in your coaching business immediately after you order!

What Do You Get In This Bundle? Here’s a Look at EVERYTHING You’ll Get!

Group Coaching Program Planner!

Want to create income streams where you work only a few hours a month?

No matter what kind of coach you are, sooner or later you’re going to discover two things:

1. You have a limited number of hours to spend with clients

2. There are many more people in need of your help than you have time to work with

Both are detrimental to your business growth. But what if, for one hour each week, you were able to reach 20 or 40 or even 100 people? Now instead of filling your day with one-on-one calls, you can actually work fewer hours while reaching more people and earning more money.

That’s the beauty of a group-coaching program.

This planner will help you design your group coaching program. Then, feel free to use it with your client, and to create training from it, too. That’s the beauty of our done-for-you content.

These are the 8 Steps and Exercises in this Planner:

Step 1: Define Your Program Focus

Exercise: Brainstorm Your Group Coaching Ideas

Step 2: Identify Your Ideal Client

Exercise: Define Your Ideal Client

Step 3: Outline Your Training

Exercise: Brainstorm Your Ideal Client’s Biggest Pain Points
Exercise: Outline and Prioritize the Solutions

Step 4: Determine Your Format

Exercise: Decide on Your Program Format

Step 5: Beef it Up with Valuable Bonus Trainings

Exercise: Decide on Supplemental Training and Potential Instructors

Step 6: Create Downloadables

Exercise: Decide on Downloadable Content

Step 7: Add an Interactive Facebook Group

Exercise: Draft Your Group Rules
Exercise: Create Your Group “Themes”

Step 8: Plan Your Launch

Exercise: Create Your VIP Waitlist
Exercise: Reach Out to JV Partners

+ You’ll Also Get

Private Coaching Program Planner!

Want to easily earn tens of thousands per year per client?

A high-end, private coach can not only offer insights into new marketing, branding, systems, and business improvements, but she can also serve as a second set of eyes on your existing plan. Because she’s been where you are, your coach is an invaluable resource as your business grows.

And to someone else, YOU are that coach.

If you already have a group program or several stand-alone training programs, then a 1:1 package is the next logical step, and it won’t take much work to create.

Using this package, you can coach your clients 1:1 or to a group through a live mini class or recorded ecourse program, and walk them through the process of finding and setting up their affiliate marketing plan. Or, pick one of the exercises and use that as a lead generator – simply set up an opt-in page, monetize this package with your information and offers, and give it away to the people who sign up for your mailing list.

These are the 8 Steps and Exercises in this Planner:

Step 1: Get Clear on the Problem You Solve

Exercise: Describe Your Ideal Client
Exercise: State Her Biggest Problem

Step 2: Establish Your Desired Outcome

Exercise: State the Outcome Your Clients Will Achieve

Step 3: Plan Your Platform

Exercise: Brainstorm Your Coaching Steps
Exercise: Plan Your Program Duration

Step 4: Design Your Coaching Tools

Exercise: Plan Your Tools

Step 5: Design Your 1:1 Coaching Package

Exercise: Decide Your Access & Availability
Exercise: Create Your Private Phone Number & Email Address

Step 6: Determine Your Price

Exercise: Determine Your Program Length and Cost

Step 7: Setting Boundaries

Exercise: Map Your Work Hours
Exercise: Craft Your Boundary Responses

+ You’ll Also Get

Save the Sale Kit: 10 Letters to Get Every Sale!

Want to easily save every sale?

Like most coaches, there will be times in your business when a potential client isn’t an immediate “yes!” and you’ll need to follow up in order to save the sale.

In order to keep these potential clients from slipping through your fingers, some of the ways you can save the sale are:

  • Following up with people who have shown interest in coaching in the past but who were not ready yet
  • Reconnecting with previous clients
  • Turning a “no” into a “yes!”
  • And much more!
  • As usual, we make it super easy for you to do with our done-for-you letters/emails that you can use to do all of these things!

These are the 10 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 10 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients.

Email to Follow Up With Potential Customers Who Do Not Buy

Send this email if a client visits your sales page but does not buy, this email will help answer questions and remove purchasing barriers.

Email to Reconnect With a Past Client

This email is perfect for reaching out to a client you’ve coached in the past, and would love to work with again. They are waiting for the opportunity. With this letter, you’ll give it to them.

Email to Send When a Client Says “It’s Not in My Budget”

This email answers the money concerns your potential clients might have in a thoughtful, gentle manner.

Email to Send Following a No-Show Appointment

Frequently a no-show is just based in fear. Send this email to help potential clients overcome their concerns while offering encouragement and information on how you can help.

Email Responding to a Refund Request

Send this email to encourage feedback from your customer, and to offer an exchange in lieu of a refund. You’ll keep the money in your account AND have a happy customer for life.

Email to Send When a Sales Call Goes Bad

Send this email when you feel a sales or discovery call was awkward or non-productive. This is a graceful way to help your client to come back and work with you, even if they feel embarrassed.

Email to Send When a Potential Client Says “No”

Send this email to respond to your client’s concerns regarding your programs or services to overcome their objections and get them excited to work with you.

Email to Send to a Canceled Group Coaching Member

This email lets cancelled members know about changes to your membership since they’ve left, and extends an invitation to rejoin. Sometimes life circumstances change or the person’s business has changed and they’ll jump at the chance to pick up where they left off.

Email to Send When Client Isn’t Doing the Work

This email offers a gentle reminder of her goals, plus encouragement to keep moving forward. This letter can help to ensure your client’s success so they continue to work with you.

Email to Send When They Hire a Different Coach

Send this email to wish them well with their new coach, and to remind them of additional training/programs you offer that may be a good fit down the road. They’ll remember that you were a class act. Frequently, when their other coaching relationship ends, they’ll come back and be ready to sign on the dotted line saying “I should have chosen you instead.” While we don’t wish anyone to waste money, we definitely want them to end up with the RIGHT coach (you) in the end.

+ You’ll Also Get

Client Getting Kit: 7 Letters to Get More Clients!

Want to be fully booked this year?

Most business have a natural ebb and flow of clients coming in and clients going out.

But if you’re not actively working to keep fresh new leads coming in, you’ll be putting yourself in a less than desirable position if your income unexpectedly takes a sharp dive downwards.

Whether your clients have “graduated” from your coaching program, or they no longer need your services for whatever reason – you will want to make sure you have a list of potential clients to pull from when you need to.

Some of the ways you can build that potential client list are:

  • Following up with people who have shown interest in coaching in the past but who were not ready yet
  • On-boarding JV partners
  • Reaching out to past clients who may be ready to come back
  • Asking for referrals from current and past clients
  • And much more!

As usual, we make it super easy for you to do with our done-for-you letters/emails that you can use to do all of these things!

These are the 7 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 7 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Referral Request Letter/Email

Letter to send to your current clients with a request that they refer new clients to you.

Client Reactivation Letter/Email

Letter to send to your inactive clients to encourage them to sign back up for your services and programs.

Client Testimonial Request Letter/Email

Letter to send to your current clients asking them to send you a testimonial that you can use on your website and in your marketing materials.

Post Event Potential Client Follow Up Letter/Email/Card

Letter to send to people you connected with at a business event who you feel would be good potential clients.

Post Consultation Call Follow Up Letter/Email

Letter to send to people you spoke with on a free consultation call to sell them into your programs.

JV Program Invitation Letter/Email

Letter to send to potential JV partners inviting them to join your referral program.

Referral Bonus Letter for Existing Coaching Clients

Letter to send to past and current coaching clients where they can earn a free coaching call with you for referring a new client who buy a coaching program.

+ You’ll Also Get

Tough Talks Kit: 10 Letters to Manage Difficult Client Situations!

In all coaching relationships there comes a time when you have to have the tough talks with your clients…

Sometimes coaching is easy and fun. Everything is effortless and natural and you don’t have a care in the world.

But then there are other times when it’s not.

  • A client might be overstepping their boundaries, not respecting your time, and you don’t quite know how to handle it. You’re starting to resent the client and you know you need to deal with it, but you keep putting it off.
  • A client writes to notify you they’re cancelling their coaching. You thought everything was going great. You want to know why they cancelled and possibly recover the client, but you aren’t sure quite how to ask without it sounding personal.
  • A potential client (perhaps someone you’ve met in person) expresses interest in working with you. They either aren’t ready yet or you know they’re not going to be a good fit. What do you say?
  • A client misses an appointment… again. You sit down to write an email to him, but you’re too frustrated to get the words right.
  • You knew that you never should have agreed to work with that client. You felt it when you did your intake call, but you needed the money so you decided to work with her anyway. Of course your gut was right and now you need to fire her. What do you say?

These are the 10 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 10 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Monthly Rate Increase Letter/Email

Letter to clients letting them know that you are increasing your monthly rates.

Problem Clients Termination Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who you no longer want to work with for whatever reason.

New Client Refusal Letter/Email (Refer to Your Other Programs)

Letter to send to people who want to work with you but they’re not ready for 1:1 coaching. This letter will help you refer them to your other programs, such as group coaching, or your book, or digital product.

Clients Who Waste Your Time Termination Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who are not showing up to do the work and they’re not making progress.

New Client Refusal Letter/Email (Refer to Another Coach)

Letter to send to people who want to work with you 1:1 but they are not a good fit for you. This letter will help you  to refer them to someone else.

Client Boundaries Letter/Email

Letter to send to your clients when they overstep your boundaries outside of agreed upon contract.

Cancellation Recovery Letter/ Email

Letter to send to your client asking for feedback on why they cancelled and if there’s a way that you can continue working with each other.

Client Missed Appointment Letter/Email

Letter to send to clients who schedule a call and then don’t show up for it.

Refund Refusal Letters/Email (Credit Card)

Letter to send to your client after a client signs a contract for services and then changes their mind and requests a refund, or initiates a charge-back on payment.

Refund Refusal Letters/Emails (PayPal)

Letter to send to your client after a client signs a contract for services and then changes their mind and requests a refund, or initiates a dispute on payment.

+ You’ll Also Get

Payment Letters Kit: 9 Letters to Collect Money from Your Clients!

In all coaching relationships there comes a time when you have to have stressful payment talks with your clients…

Sometimes coaching is easy and fun, and you have the best clients in the world!
But then there are times when you have to put on your CEO hat and deal with difficult client situations – like getting paid…

How do you talk to your clients about their failed/declined payments without embarrassing them?

How do you respond to a payment arrangement request from your client?

How do you request payment when a client cancels their payment plan subscription before all agreed upon payments have been processed?

The first step is to reach out to them with a letter/email to open up the conversation and get the ball rolling to a peaceful + happy resolution that works for both you and your client.

And we’ve done all the hard work for you with our done-for-you payment letters!

These are the 9 Letters You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 9 documents in .doc version so that you can add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients. Then you or your virtual assistant can send them out when they’re needed!

Past Due Letter/Email

Letter to send when your client when their payment is past due.

Declined Payment Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their payment has been declined.

Upcoming Membership Renewal Letter/Email

This is a letter to inform clients of upcoming renewal payments for high priced or annual programs.

Upcoming Membership Renewal Reminder Letter/Email

This is a letter to remind clients of upcoming renewal payments for high priced or annual programs.

Payment Plan Arrangement Letter/Email (Response to Client Request)

Letter to send to clients who have fallen behind on payments and have a balance owing on their account. This letter will break down two payment plan options that you can offer to your clients to settle their account.

Expired Credit Card Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their credit card has expired.

Payment Plan Contract Collection Letter/Email

Letter to send to your clients who cancel their payment plan subscription before all the agreed upon payments have been processed.

Insufficient Funds Letter/Email (PayPal)

Letter to send to your client when their payment comes back showing a lack of funds.

Failed Payment Follow Up Letter/Email

Letter to send to your client when their past due payment has not yet been submitted.

Get This Bundle Today for Only $77, Normally $192!

You’ll receive both planners PLUS all four packages of business forms to download and use in your coaching business immediately after you order!

Questions You May Have

How Long Has CoachGlue Been in Business?

We originally started CoachGlue under another brand in 2010, and rebranded under the CoachGlue name in May of 2013.

When Will I Get Access to these Items?

Within minutes after signing up you will receive an email with your account username and password to login to your account. Once you login, you be able to download your items immediately.

What are the Terms of Use for these Items?

By purchasing a coaching workshop/package/program from us, you are buying a special license that gives you permission to use our content in a variety of ways in your own business.

Please review the license terms below, and if you have any questions or if you’re unsure of something, please contact us.

Your Purchased License Allows You to:

  • You can sell this to your clients with personal use only rights.
  • You can edit the content, add to content, or just sell the content as is.
  • You can put your personal name and business name on the content.
  • You can add your business logo to it and change the document colors.
  • You can use this content on your website, blog or in your newsletter.
  • You can content can be used for creating an opt-in bonus.
  • You can bundle this content with other your other paid programs.
  • You can use this content as a bonus to a paid product.
  • You can add this content to your paid membership programs.
  • You can add this content to your paid group coaching programs.
  • This content can be used as inspiration to create audio or video products.
  • You may publish it offline as a paid workshop, class, program, product.
  • You can give it away to your clients/customers/members.

Your Purchased License Does NOT Allow You to:

  • You may not sell or give away the package or program in its original state as you have purchased it from us.
  • Your customers or clients may not give away or sell the content after purchasing from you – if they would like to do so, they need to purchase the content directly from our website. You can sign up for our affiliate program and earn 30-50% commissions on all your referrals (we pay our loyal affiliates weekly).
  • You may not load the content up on Kindle as a book (that’s against Amazon’s terms of service and can get your account banned).
  • You may not sell the content through auction sites, dime sales/firesales.
  • You may not give away or sell your license to this content.
  • You may not give away or sell resell rights or master resell rights.
  • You may not transfer the rights you have to your customer.

One important rule to follow, is that you may NOT sell or give away the package or program in its original state (as a Word Document) as you have purchased it from us. You may only sell or give away the content, templates, and tools in PDF format, and teach it through webinars, teleclasses, workshops, ecourse, videos, etc.

* These terms are subject to change. It is your responsibility to check the current terms before you use any of our workshops/programs/content in any way.

Get This Bundle Today for Only $77, Normally $192!

You’ll receive ALL four packages of business forms to download and use in your coaching business immediately after you order!

They Love the Results they Get and You Will Too!

I’m pretty sure you have changed my life. I am constantly searching for the right forms and worksheets to really clarify what I want and need to be doing in my business. The New Client Kit has given me every piece of the puzzle and then some. I am overjoyed at how easy you have made this! Thank you so much.

Desiree Wolfe

Mamapreneur Business Strategist & Marketing Mentor,

Shhhh….Coach Glue has been one of my secret weapons over the past few years. I’m not sure I want too many people to find out about it.

Shelly Hitz

Award-winning and International Best-selling Author ,

I had said I would do a book for over 10 years and Coach Glue’s content got it done…which then attracted Kevin Harrington of the Shark Tank and Loral Langemeier of The Secret & Millionaire Maker that wrote a book with me that is now a best seller. So I am a best selling author. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Coach Glue!

Debby McKinney

Best Selling Author and Business Coach,

Want to Get to Know Us Better?

About Nicole Dean, Co-Owner of

Nicole Dean is a Published Author, Popular Speaker, Successful Blogger and Podcaster, and a Business Consultant to really smart people. She is frequently asked to teach about the topics of Blogging, Outsourcing, Passive Income, Working from Home Successfully, Content Repurposing, Running a Profitable Affiliate Program, Creating infoproducts (as she’s released hundreds of her own), Productivity, and List Building – among other things. Nicole has been featured in several books, and has published her own books as well. One of her greatest talents is getting other successful and talented people to write content for her – for free. In fact, her book series “Expert Briefs” is mostly written by her colleagues. She believes that an entrepreneur can only reach success once they are focused on the three most important things –

  • Building an awesome business.
  • Creating an amazing life (including health and family).
  • Making the world a better place.

Yes, her Mission is To Make the Web and the World a Better Place – and, Have a Lot of Fun and Make a Lot of Money While Doing It. She enjoys work very much, but lives to spend time with her much-adored husband, her two silly children – and also her two slightly neurotic puppies, Einstein & Luke. But, Nicole isn’t stuffy by any means. She loves to travel and has made it a personal goal to get her passport stamped in a new country every year. She has a great belly laugh that can be heard in a very crowded room. She’s also a bit geeky (has been to a Star Trek convention and knows James T. Kirk’s middle name). But she’s also got a super soft heart and does work with orphans (and has a daughter and grand-daughter in Latvia – which is a long story for another time) and she strives to supports families who are adopting both financially and emotionally. She has fostered nearly a dozen dogs who were in transition from an abused or neglectful situation into new loving homes. She also loves doing jigsaw puzzles with her Gramma every chance she gets.

About Melissa Ingold,Co-Owner of

Melissa Ingold believes that an entrepreneur truly steps into their power and joy when they shift out of their self-assigned job as task doer, and realign themselves with their true role as the visionary creator for their business.

Overcoming teen pregnancy, single parenting, poverty, and no business experience, Melissa built a highly sought after service business from the ground up. However, after 5 years of running her business single-handily, while taking care of 2 young children, a husband and managing a household, she was exhausted, frustrated, and just wanted to throw in the towel, crawl into bed, and hide under the covers until it all went away. But what she quickly discovered, is that her rock bottom break down was actually disguised as a life changing break-through.

In 2006, desperate to escape the cage her business had built around her, Melissa took a leap of faith and hired her first virtual assistant. It was a move that would change the course of her business and life forever. Over the next few years, in her new role as the visionary creator in her business, she transitioned out of the service industry, hired more help, restructured and streamlined her business model, and designed a business around her life, rather than forcing her life to conform to her business.

By 2010, Melissa’s team had been running her business for almost two years so she could work just a few hours a week and devote the rest of her time to taking care of her third child, a baby boy with special needs. In mid-June of that same year, her son passed away in his sleep just 8 days before his second birthday. Today, Melissa attributes outsourcing and the support of her team for the magic that kept her business growing and making money, while she had the freedom of time to cherish every moment with her son.

Melissa now runs several successful businesses with the help of her fabulous team. She creates 100+ new products every year, runs 6 different monthly membership programs, is an affiliate marketer, and has created a slew of fun projects with amazing joint venture partners. After the loss of her son a few years ago, Melissa is opening up about her experiences and sharing her message about outsourcing to help other entrepreneurs bridge the gap between a business that takes all your time, energy, and joy to one that works for you and supports you in creating the life you’ve always dreamed about.