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Sorry, the December Days of Deals is Now Over!

But check out our awesome done-for-you blog post package while you’re here (only $27 for 65 posts)!

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Get 65 Done-for-You Blog Posts that You Can Use in Your Business!

These are the Done-for-You 65 Blog Posts You’ll Get in this Kit:

You will receive the following 65 blog posts in .doc version so that you can customize them for your own use.

All About Pricing:

  • Easy Pricing Strategies to Determine Your Rates
  • No More ROI: The Real Way to Sell High-Priced Packages
  • The Art of the Discount: How to Never Lower Your Rates Again
  • Stop! Before You Raise Your Rates…Do This
  • Say it With Confidence: How to Discuss Rates Like a Pro

Writing Your Book:

  • 5 Reasons Every Coach Needs a Book
  • Overcoming Objections: Defeating Your Top Book-Writing Hurdles
  • Easy-Peasy Book Writing: 3 Ideas You Can Use to Write Your Book Today
  • Book Marketing Made Easy: If You Write it, They Will Come
  • Four Publishing Options Worth Exploring

Branding Your Business:

  • How Much Transparency Is Too Much?
  • The Art of Storytelling
  • You Are Your Brand
  • How to Identify Your IDEAL Client
  • Clarifying Your Offerings for Bigger Profits

Sales Funnels Profits:

  • What the Heck is a Funnel, Anyway?
  • Why Your Funnels Leaks And What To Do About It
  • 3 Pages Every Funnel Must Have And What To Include On Them!
  • Put Your Sales on Autopilot With a Follow-Up Sequence
  • Top Tools for Building All Your Sales Funnels

Facebook Ads:

  • The Missing Element in Your Funnel
  • Storytelling: Your Autoresponder Secret Weapon
  • Step-by-Step Sales Funnel Planning
  • 3 Elements of a Squeeze Page That Converts
  • The Art of the Upsell

Growing Your Lists with Giveaway Events:

  • Can You Really Build a Business Giving Away Free Stuff?
  • 3 Promotional Strategies You Can’t Afford to Ignore
  • Giveaway Events: For Best Results, Make it Easy on Your Partners
  • Giveaway Events: The Money is in the Back End
  • Inviting Giveaway Guests: Make Her an Offer She Can’t Refuse

Your Own Group Coaching Program:

  • Why We Love Group Coaching Programs
  • What Your Potential Clients Wish You Knew
  • Three Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Business
  • All About Product Funnels for Coaches
  • Taming Technology: How to Easily Manage Your Coaching Business

Getting High-End Clients:

  • How Well Do You Really Know Your Ideal Client?
  • Lessons Learned: What A Lost Client Really Tells You
  • Need More Clients? Think Like a Farmer
  • Fear-Based Decisions Are Bad for Business
  • Sales Tips for Reluctant Sales People

Creating Premium Packages:

  • Mindset Matters: Getting Inside the Head of Top Dollar Coaches
  • Your First Live Event: Start Small, Think Big
  • 5 Ways to Uplevel Your Credibility
  • Coaching Business Makeovers: It’s Time for a Change
  • Simple Ways to Eliminate the Tire Kickers

Creating Business Systems:

  • Your Automated Sales Force
  • How to Network Like a Ninja
  • Money Matters: How to Systematize Everything from Invoicing To Tax Preparation
  • Hello Tech Support? How to Tame Those Technical Demons That Hold You Back
  • 4 Solutions for De-Stressing Your Business Starting Right Now

Hosting Fun & Profitable VIP Days:

  • Social Proof Sells: How to Build a Buzz During Your VIP Day and Sell Out Future Events
  • Planning Your Day: Why Informal is the Best Way to Kill Your VIP Day
  • Weeding Out the Wannabes: How to Design a VIP Application Process That Works
  • Single Focus: The Secret to Powerful VIP Days
  • VIP Days: The Secret Strategy of Top-Earning Coaches

Virtual Summits to Increase your Network & Network:

  • Three Powerful Tools That Make Hosting a Virtual Summit Easy
  • The Many Benefits of Virtual Summits
  • How to Make Money With a Free Event
  • Virtual Summits: Show Off Your Expertise (Even If You’re a Relative Newbie)
  • Three Rookie Summit Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Webinars for List Building:

  • Webinar Magic: 3 Powerful Benefits Every Webinar Offers
  • Slide Secrets: How to Create Attention Grabbing Slide Presentations
  • Webinar Repurposing Strategies That Make Sense
  • Top Tips for Hosting an Engaging Webinar
  • Webinar Timeline: A Proven Outline for Webinar Success


Get This Bundle Today for Only $27!

You’ll receive ALL 65 Blog Posts to download and use in your coaching business immediately after you order!