Want to Help Your Clients to Uncover Their Biggest Dreams, Plan A Beautiful Future, And Start Living A Life They Love… All With One Powerful & Fun Tool?
Our Copy & Paste “Vision Board Workshop“ Is For You!
They watch other entrepreneurs jetting off to exotic vacations, glamming it up on the red carpet, and living a life they can only dream about.
Yet they sit there in their home office day after day, struggling to book yet another discovery call, scarfing down lunch at their desk because there’s no time for a real break.
The burning desire to build a business on their own terms keeps them pushing forward, but somewhere in their heart, they want more.
More time with their family.
More money to explore a world of possibilities.
More change in their clients’ lives.
So what’s holding them back?

They bootstrapped their success, building one upon another until they created a profitable business with nothing but their own time and talents.
But also like most coaches, they’ve come to realize that it’s just not as satisfying as they thought it would be.
So they set goals. Maybe they want to earn $200,000 next year, or spend a week at a spa, or host a live event. And as productivity books have taught them, they need to write their goals down and maybe even add dates and deadlines.
So why haven’t they achieved them?
Because they can’t see them yet.
Unlike numbers on a spreadsheet or words in a journal, pictures help to paint a mental image that can drive your clients to reach higher and work harder. The difference is, with a clear goal in sight, they’ll find more focus to help keep them on track to achieve even their biggest dreams.
And that’s what a vision board is all about!
We’ve Created a Complete “Vision Board Workshop” Done-for-You Package to Help You Launch a Brand New Online Course that You Can Sell to Your Clients!
By the end, they’ll be able to…

Create a strong bond with their ideal clients by fusing their “why” into their marketing and storytelling–easily and effortlessly
Hook their audience by crafting stories that are so compelling, they can't help but read through to the end, every time
Adapt and shape their core stories to suit various platforms–and their unique marketing needs
Understand their audience on such a deep level that they can easily craft stories their audience relates to and “see” themselves in (even when the story is totally personal to your client!)
Using This Done-for-You Package You Can Create + Launch Your Online Workshop in One Weekend (even if you can barely write a grocery list)!

Do You Want to Whip Up a Beautiful Workshop in 48 Hours and Finally Press Start on Your Own Launch?
Then You’re Going to Want This Completely Customizable Shortcut Packaged Up into
a Dreamy Plug & Play Bundle!

We get it!
You want it to be easy.
You want it to be fun.
You want to make more money.
AND you’d really like to create a course WITHOUT adding more hours to your already jam-packed schedule.
But with everything you’ve learned about creating a course, one thing is for sure…there’s SO much work involved.
Between deciding what to create a course about, to planning, writing, sales copy, marketing…
UGH! You can literally feel your brain shutting down just thinking about it.
Not anymore!
We’ve Included Everything You’ll Need in Our “Vision Board Workshop” Package – All Done-for-You!
4 Course Modules Completely Written for You
Kiss your blinking cursor goodbye! These lessons have been expertly researched and written for you. And they’re totally customizable so you can edit, tweak, and brand to your heart’s delight!
Course Action Plans, Exercises, and Checklists
Who doesn’t love a good action plan? Your clients are totally going to crush on these supplemental items filled with all the goodies that will help them take action.
Facebook Livestream Theme Script to Generate Buzz for Your Course Launch
So what do you talk about during your live that will get people excited about buying your course? Wonder no more! You’ll get an entire script that tells you exactly what to teach your audience. Just open up the file on your computer, or print it off to have in front of you during your FB live or webinar.
Facebook Livestream Launch Page Copy
If you’ve ever struggled with what to say on the registration page for your webinar, or what to put in your email to get people running to join your Facebook live – well, those days are over! Just copy, paste, done.
Sales Page Copy to Sell Your Course
Because who wants to spend weeks writing sales copy instead of making money. Just copy and paste this professionally written copy into your sales page template, add your buy buttons, and CHA-CHING! You’re ready to open enrollment for your course.
10 Done-for-You Social Media Posts
No more wondering what to post on social, just copy and paste these posts to help you promote your new course.
5 Blog Posts to Warm Your Audience Up for Your Upcoming Launch
Just drop these golden babies right into your blog and VOILA! Shareable content to generate love for your upcoming course launch. And, with a little tweaking, you can easily use these golden nuggets as emails too!
5 Email Templates to Make Promoting Your Livestream & New Course a Breeze
These 5 click-ready emails are totally done-for-you! All you have to do is drop in your livestream or course deets, add your own personal touches, and send. No more trying to figure out what the heck to send to your email subscribers.
Here are the 4 Course Modules You’ll Receive in This Package – Done & Ready for You to Teach Live in a Private Facebook Group, through a Webinar, or Even Pre-Recorded Videos (just edit, tweak, and brand the content to your heart’s delight):
Module 1: Vision Board Power
Module 1: Vision Board Power
- Why your clients need a “dream board”—including real life examples of successful coaches and entertainers and how they used vision boards to achieve their dreams.
- 4 “must have” qualities for an effective vision board—get these right, and your clients will be well on their way to an amazing life and business.
- How to lay out a vision board for maximum power—it’s not just random clippings on a corkboard.
- Why vision boards are as much about feeling as they are about seeing—and how your clients can know if theirs is truly speaking to them.
- The one type of image that never belongs on a vision board—eliminate this dream killer immediately!
- One issue your clients must resolve before beginning their vision board—if they don’t take care of this first, their dreams will never become their reality.
- 10 ways to improve their mindset today (and every day)—even without a vision board, these powerful strategies will change the course of their life and business.

Here’s the Document You’ll Get for Module 1:

Here’s the Checklist You’ll Get for Module 1:

Module 2: Creating Your Vision Board

Module 2: Creating Your Vision Board
- How to choose between digital and physical boards—And the pros and cons of each.
- Examples of unusual formats they can use—Because when they make their vision board their own, they’ll love it even more!
- 5 easy ways to keep their digital board front and center—perfect if they have trouble staying focused on their goals!
- Where to find powerful affirmations to add to their digital board—these inspiring text snippets can mean the difference between so-so results and amazing success.
- 8 places to find an endless supply of vision board inspiration—including one they’ve likely never considered.
- 12 online tools and resources to use for everything from photo editing to animation—their creativity is the only limit!
- Why “vision” might be misleading—and why it’s important to engage all their senses as they build their vision board.
- 10 practical tips for making vision board creation easy and fun!
- How to use their new vision board as a planning tool—because the whole point is to live the life of their dreams, not just dream about it.
Here’s the Document You’ll Get for Module 2:

Here’s the Checklist You’ll Get for Module 2:

Module 3: Your Lifestyle Planner
Module 3: Your Lifestyle Planner
- How to create milestones for their life goals—including both short and long-term planning.
- Effective brainstorming techniques—so your clients can get their most creative ideas out in the open where they can turn them into reality.
- How to achieve their highest purpose in life with one simple strategy to gain clarity and focus.
- 6 life areas they must consider when setting their goals—miss even one, and they’ll be left unfulfilled, no matter how successful they are.
- How to use symbolism in their vision board—get this right, and their vision board will become the most powerful tool in their planning arsenal.
- The one thing to avoid on any vision board—this downer will turn their “dream” into something they actively dislike!
- Why “specific” is almost always better than “general” when it comes to their vision—with a couple of notable exceptions.

Here’s the Document You’ll Get for Module 3:

Here’s the Checklist You’ll Get for Module 3:

Module 4: Your Business Vision Planner

Module 4: Your Business Vision Planner
- The counterintuitive money principle that can cause their business to fail—and how to handle their income goals more effectively.
- How to plan for more money without also planning to work more hours—yes, it’s possible, but only when your clients properly set their goals and intentions.
- Why raising their rates should always be their first step—and how higher rates actually serve to attract their ideal client.
- 3 ideal client photos to include in their vision board—with these three images in mind, they’ll easily plan for a future filled with only the best clients.
- How to use their board to create and plan for high-ticket events—not only the ones they’ll attend, but the one they’ll host as well!
- How to create a group vision board to inspire their team—and how to use it to keep everyone motivated and excited.
Here’s the Document You’ll Get for Module 4:

Here’s the Checklist You’ll Get for Module 4:

Who Wants to Blaze a Fire All Across Planet Internet with Awesomeness?
You Do! Which is Why We’re Throwing in these Juicy Action Plans to Help You Totally Over-Deliver to Your Course Buyers!
Because who doesn’t love a good action plan?
Your clients are totally going to crush on them– filled with all the goodies that will help them take action.

Ready for PayPal Notifications to Cha-Ching Their Way into Your inbox?
Who isn’t? So We’re Loading You Up With Super-Persuasive Launch Materials to Get Your Audience Engaged, Excited, and Eager to Buy from You!
We want to make it super easy for you to promote your course and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.
That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!
A great way to fill your course is by hosting a free Facebook Livestream or webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.
But what do you talk about during your live that will get people excited about buying your course?
Wonder no more!
You’ll get an entire script that tells you exactly what to teach your audience. Just open up the file on your computer, or print it off to have in front of you during your FB live or webinar.
You’ll Get a Facebook Livestream Theme Script Called: “Want to have your best year ever? Forget about marketing and do this first…“ That You Can Read Word-for-Word During Your Facebook Live or on Your Webinar!.

And a Handout to Give Your Guests: “Want to have your best year ever? Forget about marketing and do this first…”

You’ll Also Get Launch Copy for Your Livestream or Webinar that Includes a Description and Bullet Points that You Can Copy & Paste Directly to Your Own Sign Up Page!

And Because We Don’t Want You to Have to Spend Weeks Writing Your Sales Page Instead of Making Money – We’re Giving You Professionally Written Sales Copy!

No More Wondering What the Heck to Post on Your Social Platforms to Tell People About Your New Course!

Generate Buzz and Shareable Content for Your Course Launch Using Our 5 Done-for-You Blog Posts!
Here are the 5 Blog Posts You’ll Get in this Package:
- Business Planning is Fun Again (447 words)
- What’s Really Holding You Back? (534 words)
- 5 Ways to Use a Vision Board (570 words)
- The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have in Your Office (446 words)
- Getting Clear on Your Business and Life Goals (468 words)

We’re Giving You 4 Click-Ready Emails, Totally Done-for-You, to Make Promoting Your Livestream & Course a Breeze!
All you have to do is drop in your livestream or course deets, add your own personal touches, and send. No more trying to figure out what the heck to send to your email subscribers.
You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Invite People to Your Free Facebook Live or Webinar Training:
- Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Stop struggling. Do this instead. (264 words)
- Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Can you really “fake it till you make it”? (351 words)
You’ll Get these 2 Emails to Sell Your Course:
- Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: Are you using this powerful tool yet? (202 words)
- Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: You can have anything you want, if you do this one thing… (224 words)

With a Package Like This, You’ll Never Have to Write Another Piece of Content Again…EVER!

Buy this Done-for-You Course Package Now and By This Time Next Week, You’ll be Basking in the Knowledge that You Are Not Only an Awesome Coach But Also an Action-Taker and Excuse Buster!
Now THAT is worth every single penny!
Don’t you think?
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Invest in this Package:
- 4 Training Modules (41 pages, 9932 words)
- Module 1: Vision Board Power
- Module 2: Creating Your Vision Board
- Module 3: Your Lifestyle Planner
- Module 4: Your Business Vision Planner
- 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (33 pages)
- 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (23 pages)
- 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (81 slides)
- 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live and the Replay of Your Call/Presentation
- Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Stop struggling. Do this instead. (264 words)
- Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Can you really “fake it till you make it”? (351 words)
- Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: Are you using this powerful tool yet? (202 words)
- Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: You can have anything you want, if you do this one thing… (224 words)
- 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program
- 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
- Business Planning is Fun Again (447 words)
- What’s Really Holding You Back? (534 words)
- 5 Ways to Use a Vision Board (570 words)
- The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have in Your Office (446 words)
- Getting Clear on Your Business and Life Goals (468 words)
- Registration Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your call you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
- Script: “Want to have your best year ever? Forget about marketing and do this first…” (21 pages)
- Handout to Give Your Guests: “Want to have your best year ever? Forget about marketing and do this first…” (4 pages)
- Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop
When You Buy this Done-for-You Course Package You Could Literally Start Enrolling Clients and Accepting Payments in Just Hours from Now!
Your Investment:
Just One Tiny Payment of $297