Keep reading to check out the Content Repurposing Planner Shown in the Video

Your clients love what content does for their business (the views! the new followers! the conversions!) but they don’t necessarily love constantly having to create more and more of it.

I mean, who does?!

Content is a necessary part of doing business online, and luckily, creating it doesn’t have to be a never-ending time-suck!

It’s all about repurposing.

Imagine this…. your clients create one epic piece of content, something they’re super proud of, and then instead of moving on to the next piece, they use what they already have to create more.

No more starting over, no brainstorming new ideas. Just using what’s working again and again!

And of course, you can be the one to help them get there!

This 39 page planner covers:

  • Step 1: Set Clear Goals to Purposefully Repurpose Content
  • Step 2: Create Fresh, Optimized Content to Make Repurposing a Breeze
  • Step 3: Feed Your Fans & Followers High-Quality Content on Facebook (Without Extra Work)
  • Step 4: Give Your Most Irresistible Content a New Home (And New Exposure!) on Instagram
  • Step 5: Pin Repurposed Content & Keep It In Front of More Potential Clients Longer
  • Step 6: Love Up New Leads With Old Content on Linkedin
  • Step 7: Transform Your Content Into Tiktoks That Entertain & Educate
  • Step 8: Get The Most Bang For Your Content Buck

Your clients will LOVE having this planner they can download or print off.

This “content repurposing planner” has been designed in Canva ready for you to easily add your brand colors and images!

Just open the template in your free canva account, change the colors, design, text, whatever your heart desires. Then export it as a PDF and it’s ready for you to sell!

You can sell this planner on your website, give it as a bonus to your coaching clients, include it as part of your paid courses and programs, or even build a VIP day around the content of the planner.

Canva not for you? No problem!
We include the plain word document in this package so you can take the content and design it however you like.

You’ll get the word document so that you can design it any way and with any software you want (in your favorite design program).

Plus you’ll also get 2 done-for-you marketing emails to help you sell your new planner to your audience:

These click-ready emails are totally done-for-you! All you have to do is drop in your details, add your own personal touches, and send. No more trying to figure out what to say to sell your new planner. Plus, you can even use the copy to sell your planner on social media if you want to.

Imagine! If you sold just 4 copies of this planner at $27 each – you’d cover the cost of buying this planner AND everything after that would be profit for you!

Do you think you could sell 4 copies? We know you can!

Download this Planner Package for Only $97!


How can you make money with this done-for-you planner?

  • You can sell this planner on your website for passive income.
  • You can sell it as a digital product on etsy.
  • You can use it as upsell and/or downsell offer in your funnel.
  • You can use it as a lead magnet to grow your email list.
  • You can add it your coaching program as a resource for your clients.
  • You can use it as a bonus during the launch of a course or program.
  • You can use it as a bump offer in your shopping cart.
  • You can gift it to your new coaching clients.

What else can you do with this done-for-you planner?

Here are 9 ideas to get you started…

  1. Personal Use (Grow Your Own Business!)
    Use this planner to repurpose your own content! Use it to convert your best content into even more client-attracting social media posts. Once you do, not only will you have a way to share your expertise and attract new clients, you’ll also have stories and intimate experience to share with your clients on a personal level so you can teach THEM how to do the same with their content.
  2. Case Study & Grow Your Expert Status.
    After you’ve used the planner, put together a case study based on your own results and do a Facebook live or Zoom call sharing your experience and selling your new planner.
  3. Grow Your Lists.
    Create an opt-in from sections of this planner to grow your lists. Sell a digital or even print version of this planner on the backend to people who opt-in to your lists.
  4. Virtual Event to Connect with Other Successful Business Owners. 
    Gather other experts who are passionate about repurposing their content (or helping others do it!), and host a virtual event on this topic and use this planner as one of your upsells. You can interview them about how they plan out their content, how and where they repurpose their content, how they choose their best posts and more!
  5. Bonus for Existing Programs.
    Offer this planner and a quick tutorial video as a bonus when people purchase your coaching or implementation package.
  6. Bonus for Affiliate Offers.
    Do you promote something already related to content creation? If so, use this as a bonus when people take action and buy your suggested course. 
  7. Host a Facebook Challenge.
    How cool would it be if you ran a training in your Facebook group and based each day’s lesson on one step (and the exercises) from this planner…and then funneled people into your higher end courses and programs? But you know what’s really awesome? You can charge people to join your challenge! Not only will they get access to the private Facebook group and your daily trainings – but you can give everyone who signs up a copy of this planner!
  8. Grow Your Own Community.
    Start a separate FB group of entrepreneurs who are interested in content creation, and offer the community to those who purchase this planner. Offer your coaching program to them too!
  9. Get Them Interested in Your Services.
    Work through this planner with your clients to help them grow their audience by reusing their existing content. Offer a done-for-them service after they see what’s involved, if they don’t want to implement themselves.

Remember, you get this in .doc format and you can add to the planner, edit it, remove or replace portions, customize it, monetize it, feature your own programs or your favorite products, or just use it as it is.

We can’t wait to see what YOU do with the material.


Download this Planner Package for Only $97!
