
Use Our Content to Create a Digital Workshop + or Bootcamp + or Ecourse or Go Offline with it and Host a Weekend Workshop in a Gorgeous Location Using Our Materials to Teach Your Tribe!

We know you’re busy running your business and having a life, which is why you may still be struggling to package up your expertise into fabulous workshops, programs, classes, and ecourses that you can sell over and over again (and stop working so hard 1:1).

We’ve done all the hard work for you!

You don’t have to invest hours and hours of your own time into developing a workshop program, and you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to hire people to help you. By investing in our low-cost coaching workshops you’ll save a ton of time, energy and money! 

When you purchase a coaching workshop from us, you are buying the license that gives you permission to edit and customize the content in any way you like, put your business logo and name on it, and sell or give it away to your paying clients/customers/members.

Imagine How Fast Your Business Would Grow if You…

  • Host regular online workshops or classes (or make it exclusive by opening the doors for enrollment just few times a year)
  • Set up a year-long academy and use many of our workshops and content packages to deliver training to your clients
  • Package up your expertise + our content into ecourses that you sell over and over again
  • Develop a monthly group coaching program and then use our content + templates to create your curriculum
  • Host an in-person weekend workshop in a beautiful location using our materials to teach your tribe


Are you ready to save a ton of time + money and grow your business?

You’ll Get an Entire Workshop with 4 Training Modules + 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises + 4 Program Accelerator Checklists + 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides

Now you can finally stop procrastinating and launch the workshop or ecourse you’ve been dreaming about!

When you purchase the license to our workshop, you’ll be able to develop and release a sparkly new ecourse or program in a matter of days (not months or years), and that means that you can start enrolling clients and accepting payments right away.

Our mission is to make it easy for coaches just like you to make an impact on the world and be of service to your tribe, in the most powerful and aligned way possible.

Here’s What’s Included in “REVEAL YOUR SEXY SYSTEMS: How to Turn What Works for You into a System You Can Sell Over and Over Again!”: 

Module 1: Easy Self-Assessment

Before you can create your epic course, you need to take inventory of your assets—both real and virtual.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • What people really say—and think—about you. You might just be surprised at what your strengths truly are.
  • 5 often-missed credentials and achievements you can leverage—these are the things that make you the expert in your field, so don’t miss this part.
  • How to use your past jobs as social proof today—even if you haven’t worked a real “job” in years.
  • How to discover your true talent—we all have them, but very few of us recognize it when we see it. This section will help you find your calling.
  • How to create compelling case studies—these powerful stories will not only act as the foundation of your course, they’ll sell it, too.
  • The one question to ask yourself that will define your epic course—get this right, and you’ll have a can’t lose course that your clients will line up to buy.
  • How to find out exactly what your audience wants and needs right now—this super simple technique is often overlooked and oh-so important!


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 1:

Module 1: Training

module 1

Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

mod 1 action

Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist

mod 1 checklist

Module 1: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

mod 1 pp

Module 2: Making Your Program Magic

Now that you have a better idea of your strengths, talents, and what your audience needs from you, it’s time to embrace your unique voice and story—or maybe even discover it for the first time. This is what will truly set you apart from the competition, so don’t gloss over this section!

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • 5 ways to discover what’s truly unique about your products—even in a crowded field that feels super-saturated!
  • 3 ways to know if your story resonates with your market—you’ll know you’re on the right track when you’re hearing things like this.
  • How to listen to your community and turn their issues into the solutions they need—and will pay for.
  • Why private groups are a must for product research—and the pros and cons of creating them.
  • 5 places to look for clues when you don’t yet have your own community—even with zero followers, you can still easily create the most needed solutions in your market.
  • How to get creative so you can build a truly unique course—no more settling for another “me too” product offer!
  • The number one thing your potential students will want to know—nail this and your program will practically create itself!
  • 6 essential pieces of information you must have before you begin—this simple checklist will tell you instantly if you’re on the right track.


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 2:

Module 2: Training

mod 2

Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

mod 2 action

Module 2: Program Accelerator Checklist

mod 2 checklist

Module 2: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

mod 2 pp

Module 3: It’s All In The Delivery

Here’s a secret best-selling coaches know: delivery matters. As much as we hate to admit it, how you package, present and deliver your course has a huge effect on how well received it will be, and how much you can charge for it. In module 3 we’ll dig into these style and branding questions, so you can make the best possible impression.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • The 3 elements that define your style—get these in alignment first, and the rest will come easy.
  • 10 easy steps to product creation—miss even one, and your product sales will suffer.
  • 5 things to consider before you begin the creation process—if you do nothing else, pay close attention to this critical section.
  • 3 key questions to ask yourself to confirm your direction before you waste time creating a product that won’t sell.
  • How to close the deal—this one strategy will make all the difference in your presentation…and your sales numbers.
  • The critical “you” component that can’t be overlooked—skip this part, and your product will sink to the level of all those other “me too” courses.


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 3:

Module 3: Training

mod 3

Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

mod 3 action

Module 3: Program Accelerator Checklist

mod 3 checklist

Module 3: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

mod 3 pp

Module 4: Fool-proofing Your Program—So You Can Take Action

Before you can package up and sell your new epic program, you’ll want to take some time to make sure it’s a no-brainer sale that others will remember and talk about, and that makes a fantastic first impression.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • Why you must have a dedicated domain for your epic course—with case studies and examples for plenty of inspiration!
  • Why a little controversy sells—and how to achieve it just by being you!
  • How to spread your branding for greater impact—and how to avoid the number one time waster in social media marketing.
  • The critical pre-launch step that will save you endless stress and anxiety—and the one that many overly enthusiastic product sellers routinely skip.
  • 3 Ways to capitalize on your branding—any one of these will give you a powerful boost, but using all three will land you in the superstar range quickly!
  • A 7-point budgeting checklist—know where every dollar is going before you spend it, and you’ll be much more profitable in the end.
  • How to stay relevant in any market—future products and sales depend on you being on the cutting edge, so it pays to pay attention!


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 4:

Module 4: Training

mod 4

Module 4: Fast Action Worksheet & Exercise

mod 4 action

Module 4: Program Accelerator Checklist

mod 4 checklist

Module 4: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

mod 4 pp

 Plus, You’ll Also Get a Sales + Marketing Materials Kit to Help You Sell Your Workshop and Start Collecting Payments:

We want to make it super easy for you to promote your workshop and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.

That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!

Here’s What’s Included in Your Sales + Marketing Materials Kit:

A great way to fill your workshop is by hosting a free webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.

We’ve made it easy for you to host your own webinar that provides value and helps you enroll clients in your workshop.

  • Webinar Script: “Why You Should Stop Trying to Create Products Like Everyone Else If You Want to Create a Showstopper That Your Audience Will Go Crazy For”
    • Why Creating From What You Know is Such a Good Idea
    • Finding Your True Story
    • Do You Have a Secret?
    • Instant Credibility
    • Transforming Your Life
    • Why Creating Products Based From Your Unique Life Experiences or Practices is Such a Good Idea
    • Why People Love to Promote These Types of Products
    • Making it Magic
  • Webinar Registration Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your webinar you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
  • PowerPoint Slides for Your Webinar so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Finding Your Secret Self Worksheet”

And we’ve got you covered when it comes to promoting your live webinar, the replay of your webinar, AND your workshop.

Just copy, paste, and edit the emails, social media posts, and blog posts/newsletter articles and start spreading the word about your sparkly new workshop!

  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Are you telling yourself these product creation lies?  (212 words)
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Why aren’t you creating products like this?   (202 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: Just because it’s easy for you…  (209 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: The easiest training program you’ll ever create… (245 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • 3 Reasons We Love the “Peek Over Your Shoulder” Style of Coaching (394 words)
    • The Hot Selling Program You Can Create in an Afternoon (338 words)
    • How to Easily Graduate from Coach to Product Seller (481 words)
    • How to Scale Your Coaching Business to Earn Unlimited Income (373 words)
    • 3 Easy Steps to Creating Your First Product (430 words)

But we don’t stop there…we’re also giving you sales page copy that you can copy, paste, and edit and use to sell your workshop (no more paying a copywriter thousands of dollars to do this for you!).

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Sales and Marketing Materials Included in Your Kit:

Promotional Emails, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts

marketing kit

Webinar Script: “Why You Should Stop Trying to Create Products Like Everyone Else If You Want to Create a Showstopper That Your Audience Will Go Crazy For


Webinar Registration Copy:


Webinar PowerPoint Slides

webinar pp

Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Finding Your Secret Self Worksheet”


Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop


Get  This Coaching Workshop and Get Instant Access to All This:


  • 4 Training Modules (33 pages, 7492 words)
    • Module 1: Easy Self-Assessment
    • Module 2: Making Your Program Magic
    • Module 3: It’s All In The Delivery
    • Module 4: Fool-Proofing Your Program – So You Can Take Action
  • 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (31 pages)
  • 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (18 pages)
  • Webinar Registration Copy that includes a description and bullet points for your webinar you can copy + paste to your own sign up page.
  • Webinar Script: Why You Should Stop Trying to Create Products Like Everyone Else If You Want to Create a Showstopper That Your Audience Will Go Crazy For (19 pages)
  • Webinar PowerPoint Slides (49 slides)
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Finding Your Secret Self Worksheet” (5 pages)
  • Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop
  • 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (92 slides)
  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Are you telling yourself these product creation lies?  (212 words)
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: Why aren’t you creating products like this?   (202 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: Just because it’s easy for you…  (209 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: The easiest training program you’ll ever create… (245 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • 3 Reasons We Love the “Peek Over Your Shoulder” Style of Coaching (394 words)
    • The Hot Selling Program You Can Create in an Afternoon (338 words)
    • How to Easily Graduate from Coach to Product Seller (481 words)
    • How to Scale Your Coaching Business to Earn Unlimited Income (373 words)
    • 3 Easy Steps to Creating Your First Product (430 words) 

Your Investment:

Just One Tiny Payment of $127
