Want to create professional content quickly that attracts new clients?

Of course you do! Content that…

  • Shows off your amazing expertise
  • Empowers your readers
  • Engages your site visitors
  • And (most importantly) starts a conversation

Of course, for a busy coach, finding the time to actually write content that hits all those critical points can feel pretty overwhelming.

That’s why we’ve put together a special package of 10 professionally written done-for-you blog posts about the benefits of writing a book. These posts arrive ready to copy and paste into your blog, emails, or anywhere else you need compelling content.

Use these done-for-you posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networks to promote your blog posts. Add them to your Meet Edgar schedule for hands free promotion that works for you 24/7!

Instantly Get These 10 Done-for-You Blog Posts:

  1. 5 Ways to Get a Million New Fans with Your New Book
    Contrary to popular belief, just because your book is available on Amazon doesn’t mean it will show up in millions of Amazon searches.
  2. 5 Ways to Become a Local Celebrity with Your New Book
    In addition to your online marketing efforts, promoting your new book locally can bring you “local celebrity” status while increasing your fan base.
  3. 5 Ways Writing a Book Will Help You to Unlock Your Hidden Creative Genius
    Creativity doesn’t disappear completely as we get older; we simply don’t exercise it quite as much as we did as youngsters.
  4. 5 Ways Writing a Book Will Teach You about Your Fears and Your Habits
    Writing a book is certainly a great way to boost your credibility, increase your name recognition, and increase your profits but it’s also a mirror we can use to deeply examine our greatest fears and work habits.
  5. 5 Ways Writing a Book Will Build Your Marketing Chops
    Most authors are responsible for their own marketing plans, and having a plan in advance may even assist in winning a publishing contract.
  6. Want to Be a Social Media Darling? Write a Book…
    There are many benefits of writing books that dive deeper than the social media front, but your decision to write a book can definitely give your social media presence a massive boost.
  7. 5 Ways Writing a Book Can Grow Your Business
    Writing books might seem like a Herculean task but it can provide impressive results for the growth of your business with minimal effort on your part.
  8. Jumpstart Your Signature Product Offerings by Writing a Book
    You may be surprised to discover how the process of writing a book can help you jumpstart other projects, such as signature product offerings that gain you more business, a wider presence in your industry, and another avenue for helping others.
  9. Write a Book and Grow Your Joint Venture Opportunities
    Other people in your industry or industries adjacent to your industry will often seek you out in hopes of starting a joint venture project together.
  10. How Writing a Book Will Teach You Time Management and Productivity
    Writing a book can help you manage your time more wisely and encourage productivity on multiple fronts.

Get All 10 Blog Posts for Only $27 $10!
(that’s only $2.70 $1 per post)



But how can you use these if you’ve never written a book?

Good question!

There are tons of book related tools and services out there that you can promote as an affiliate. Things like:

  • book related online courses (writing, publishing, marketing, etc.)
  • book cover software
  • book coaching
  • book proofreading and editing
  • book content templates
  • book funnel creation
  • book launching services
  • book formatting tools
  • book promo graphics
  • book trailer videos 
  • book promo copywriting

See how easy it can be to share great content with your audience while also recommending the tools, courses, and services that you love?

And using these blog posts will make it super easy for you to provide value AND promote related offerings as an affiliate.

So how else can you use these?

Here are 8 ways to use these posts in your business:

  • You can publish them on your blog – obviously 😉
  • You can use these posts to help you promote your own related paid offerings
  • You can use each post as an outline, and then you can go live on your Facebook page each day covering the content in the post
  • You can publish them on Facebook and LinkedIn
  • You can turn them into emails to send to your list
  • You can create a funnel on this topic and send out the blog posts as emails and include a call-to-action to buy your related offer
  • You can give them to your JV partners to help promote your related paid offers
  • You can put all of the posts together into a guide that you giveaway to grow your email list (and of course, include your call-to-action in)

What is the value of having these blog posts to help you create your own? At just $27 Only $10 , we know you’ll thank us later.

Get All 10 Blog Posts for Only $27 $10!
(that’s only $2.70 $1 per post)
