CoachGlueBookCoverSassySystems_340pxwideUse Our Content to Create a Digital Workshop or Ecourse or Go Offline with it and Host a Weekend Workshop in a Gorgeous Location Using Our Materials to Teach Your Tribe!

We know you’re busy running your business and having a life, which is why you may still be struggling to package up your expertise into fabulous workshops, programs, classes, and ecourses that you can sell over and over again (and stop working so hard 1:1).

We’ve done all the hard work for you!

You don’t have to invest hours and hours of your own time into developing a workshop program, and you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to hire people to help you. By investing in our low-cost coaching workshops you’ll save a ton of time, energy and money! 

When you purchase a coaching workshop from us, you are buying the license that gives you permission to edit and customize the content in any way you like, put your business logo and name on it, and sell or give it away to your paying clients/customers/members.

Imagine How Fast Your Business Would Grow if You…

  • Host regular online workshops or classes (or make it exclusive by opening the doors for enrollment just few times a year)
  • Set up a year-long academy and use many of our workshops and content packages to deliver training to your clients
  • Package up your expertise + our content into ecourses that you sell over and over again
  • Develop a monthly group coaching program and then use our content + templates to create your curriculum
  • Host an in-person weekend workshop in a beautiful location using our materials to teach your tribe

Are you ready to save a ton of time + money and grow your business?

You’ll Get an Entire Workshop with 4 Training Modules + 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises + 4 Program Accelerator Checklists + 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides

Now you can finally stop procrastinating and launch the workshop or ecourse you’ve been dreaming about!

When you purchase the license to our workshop, you’ll be able to develop and release a sparkly new ecourse or program in a matter of days (not months or years), and that means that you can start enrolling clients and accepting payments right away.

Our mission is to make it easy for coaches just like you to make an impact on the world and be of service to your tribe, in the most powerful and aligned way possible.

Here’s What’s Included in Your Sassy Business Systems Workshop: 

Young woman reading a book at beachModule 1: Stress-Free Immediately 

In this first module, your clients will concentrate on freeing up their time as quickly as possible with simple solutions that have lasting effects.

In this module, your clients will discover:

  • 3 categories of tasks every small business has—organizing your workload with these guidelines in mind will bring instant clarity
  • 3 reasons you’re stuck—plus the real reason nothing ever seems to change (and how to fix it starting right now)
  • A simple, step-by-step process that will show you exactly what needs to happen in your business so you can start enjoying more free time
  • How to prioritize your marketing so you get the best possible return on your time and money investment
  • The number one thing coaches should automate—do this right now and you’ll suddenly find you have more time to work with clients (or just sit back and relax)
  • The top tool for automating payments and scheduling—this is the secret weapon coaches use to easily manage their business
  • The big mistake small business owners make (and it’s zapping your creativity)—and the savvy tool that will help you fix it
  • 4 essential considerations when hiring a virtual assistant—follow these tips and your working relationship will be smooth sailing right from the start


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 1:

Module 1: Training

Module 1 Stress Free Immediately Screenshot

Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 1 Stress Free Immediately Action Plan Screenshot

Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 1 Stress Free Immediately Checklist Screenshot

Module 1: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

Module 1 Stress Free Immediately PowerPoint Screenshot

Module 2: Tame the Tech

Your clients aren’t the first online business owners to be intimidated by tech. But when your clients work through module 2, they’ll be much better equipped to handle even the stickiest techy problem.

In this module, your clients will discover…

  • How to truly simplify even those must-have systems by simply eliminating them all together (yes, it’s possible)
  • Recommended solutions for all your tech needs—with a special emphasis on those that are easy and economical.
  • 5 questions to ask before undertaking any new task—this one tip will help you save time and frustration
  • How to prevent website downtime and eliminate the hair-pulling that will happen when (not if) your site is compromised
  • How to automate marketing methods such as podcasting—set it up once and it runs on autopilot, what could be better?
  • Pros and cons of various group call options, including both free and high-quality paid plans
  • 4 things that should always be outsourced—even the most tech-savvy people should not try to do everything

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 2:

Module 2: Training

Module 2 Tame the Tech Screenshot

Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 2 Tame the Tech Action Plan Screenshot

Module 2: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 2 Tame the Tech Checklist Screenshot

Module 2: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

Module 2 Tame the Tech PowerPoint Screenshot


Woman in home office with computer using telephone smilingModule 3: Sexy Sales + Streamlined Systems

This is where your client’s hard work will really start to pay off—with automated, systematized sales processes that drive traffic and make money like clockwork

In this module, your clients will discover…

  • How to easily automate your media inquiries—and the 6 questions every good media kit must answer
  • 6 must-have elements to make your media kit stand out
  • One easy-to-use tool anyone can use to quickly create a professional-looking media kit
  • How to create a lead generation plan that make sense—get this right and everything else will fall into place
  • 5 proven methods for generating rock-solid leads—plus tips for automating each one (remember the goal here is to lessen your workload, and these tips will help!)
  • 6 reasons you must have an autoresponder—it’s the ultimate in hands-free marketing
  • 7 ways to boost your public appearances—doing just one of these on a regular basis can dramatically increase your market reach
  • How to make social media easy and painless (this alone will free up hours of your time)
  • How to eliminate time-wasting “strategy sessions” while still delivering exceptional value to your clients


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 3:

Module 3: Training

Module 3 Sexy Sales + Streamline Systems Screenshot

Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 3 Sexy Sales + Streamline Systems Action Plan Screenshot

Module 3: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 3 Sexy Sales + Streamline Systems Checklist Screenshot

Module 3: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

Module 3 Sexy Sales + Streamline Systems PowerPoint Screenshot


Module 4: Easy-Breezy Money Matters

Of course, getting the money in their bank account isn’t the end. There’s still work to do, or else they’ll wind up with a mess come tax time. Not only that, but like every well-run business, your clients need to have a budget, pay the bills on time, and plan for the future.

In this module, your clients will discover…

  • The first (and most important) question you must answer before you can make better money choices
  • 5 critical reasons you should never mix business and personal funds—and how to find the right bank account for your small business so you don’t run into trouble
  • How and why to create a payments policy—do this and you’ll never have to waste time negotiating again
  • How to encourage customers to pay you by making one simple change to your processes
  • How to accurately forecast your future income—including a tool that makes this and other “boring” business stuff super easy and painless
  • 8 things to consider when creating your small business budget—miss even one and your money matters will quickly begin to fall apart
  • How to automate your payments so you never forget to pay affiliates, partners or contractors again


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 4:

Module 4: Training

Module 4 Easy Breezy Money Matters Screenshot

Module 4: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

Module 4 Easy Breezy Money Matters Exercise Worksheet Screenshot

Module 4: Program Accelerator Checklist

Module 4 Easy Breezy Money Matters Checklist Screenshot

Module 4: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

Module 4 Easy Breezy Money Matters PowerPoint Screenshot

Plus, You’ll Also Get a Sales + Marketing Materials Kit to Help You Sell Your Workshop and Start Collecting Payments:

We want to make it super easy for you to promote your workshop and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.

That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!

Here’s What’s Included in Your Sales + Marketing Materials Kit:

A great way to fill your workshop is by hosting a free webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.

We’ve made it easy for you to host your own webinar that provides value and helps you enroll clients in your workshop.

  • Webinar Script: “The One Secret to Getting More Done, Having Less Stress in your Life, and Being More Profitable”
    • Webinar Welcome (“housekeeping”, share this webinar on social media, personal introduction of who you are, etc.)
    • Webinar Start: Introduction
    • System # 1: Your day-to-day scheduling, planning and operations
    • System # 2: Your Tech Systems
    • System # 3: Your Sales, Marketing and Promotion System
    • System # 4: Your Financial System
    • Webinar Closing (present offer, Q & A, etc.)
  • Webinar Registration Page Copy that you can copy and paste into your own lead page to get sign ups for your free webinar
  • PowerPoint Slides for Your Webinar so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Streamline & Overhaul Your 4 Essential Business Systems Worksheet” (Use this worksheet to decide how to streamline and overhaul your four essential business system components—and create a super-system)


And we’ve got you covered when it comes to promoting your live webinar, the replay of your webinar, AND your workshop.

Just copy, paste, and edit the emails, social media posts, and blog posts/newsletter articles and start spreading the word about your sparkly new workshop!

  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Is this holding you back, too?
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: How many hours do you really work every day?
    • Replay Webinar Email Promo #1: Easy ways you can get more done in less time
    • Replay Webinar Email Promo #2: Predictable is good, and I’ll prove it to you
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • Your Automated Sales Force (467 words)
    • How to Network Like a Ninja (460 words)
    • Money Matters: How to Systematize Everything from Invoicing To Tax Preparation (450 words)
    • Hello Tech Support? How to Tame Those Technical Demons That Hold You Back (470 words)
    • 4 Solutions for De-Stressing Your Business Starting Right Now (455 words)


But we don’t stop there…we’re also giving you sales page copy that you can copy, paste, and edit and use to sell your workshop (no more paying a copywriter thousands of dollars to do this for you!).

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Sales and Marketing Materials Included in Your Kit:

Promotional Emails, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts


Webinar Script: The One Secret to Getting More Done, Having Less Stress in your Life, and Being More Profitable


Webinar Registration Page Copy:

Webinar Registration Screenshot

Webinar PowerPoint Slides

Webinar PowerPoint Screenshot

Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: Streamline & Overhaul Your 4 Essential Business Systems Worksheet 


Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop

Sales Page Screenshot

Buy this Done-for-You Course Package Now and By This Time Next Week, You’ll be Basking in the Knowledge that You Are Not Only an Awesome Coach But Also an Action-Taker and Excuse Buster!

Now THAT is worth every single penny!

Don’t you think?


  • CoachGlueBookCoverSassySystems_340pxwide4 Training Modules (47-pages, 11,423 words)
    • Module 1: Stress-Free Immediately
    • Module 2: Tame the Tech
    • Module 3: Sexy Sales + Streamlined Systems
    • Module 4: Easy-Breezy Money Matters
  • 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (31-pages)
  • 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (21-pages)
  • 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (118 slides)
  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #1: Is this holding you back, too?
    • Live Webinar Email Promo #2: How many hours do you really work every day?
    • Replay Webinar Email Promo #1: Easy ways you can get more done in less time
    • Replay Webinar Email Promo #2: Predictable is good, and I’ll prove it to you
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    • Your Automated Sales Force (467 words)
    • How to Network Like a Ninja (460 words)
    • Money Matters: How to Systematize Everything from Invoicing To Tax Preparation (450 words)
    • Hello Tech Support? How to Tame Those Technical Demons That Hold You Back (470 words)
    • 4 Solutions for De-Stressing Your Business Starting Right Now (455 words)
  • Webinar Registration Page and Copy
  • Webinar Script: The One Secret to Getting More Done, Having Less Stress in your Life, and Being More Profitable  (18-pages)
  • Webinar PowerPoint Slides (30 slides)
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Streamline & Overhaul Your 4 Essential Business Systems Worksheet” (Use this worksheet to decide how to streamline and overhaul your four essential business system components—and create a super-system)
  • Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop

Your Investment:

Just One Tiny Payment of $297