Imagine this… you helping your clients quadruple their email lists, make business-boosting connections and increase their income this year. 

Sound good?

No, it’s not about asking your clients to work long hours or sacrifice their weekends (who wants to do that?!)

We’re talking about virtual summits.

This planner covers:

  • Step 1: Pick a Theme that Effortlessly Attracts Your Target Audience
  • Step 2: Create a Realistic Launch Timeline
  • Step 3: Start Sourcing Top-Notch Speakers for a Successful Summit
  • Step 4: Choose Your Tech Tools for Tantalizing Content
  • Step 5: Build Out Your Freemium Funnel
  • Step 6: Craft Exciting, Enticing Emails For Massive Summit Sign-Ups 
  • Step 7: Optimize Your Outreach Efforts to Secure Top Notch Speakers
  • Step 8: Interview with Intention to Create Impact & Income
  • Step 9: Keeping Your Audience and Speakers Engaged 
  • Step 10: Keep Selling Post-Summit for Max Profit 
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