Order Your Copy of This Entire Done-For-You Coaching Program Today!
Only $147 $47!
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Details are below…
If you’re a business coach and you’re struggling to make the income you’ve been dreaming about in your current one-on-one business model…this may be the answer you’ve been longing for!
Did You Know that Business Coaches are Secretly Leveraging the Power of Done-for-You Coaching Programs to Break Free from ‘Selling Hours for Dollars’ and Using them to Serve More People, Make More Money, and Have Bigger Impact on the World?
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
- You LOVE coaching and you know it’s what you’re meant to do – but you’re not sure your business will ever support you financially.
- You see so many other business coaches making 6- and 7-figure incomes doing what they love – but you can’t seem to figure out how they’re doing it.
- You’re always giving away your time for free and lowering your rates just to get clients.
- You struggle with marketing, because it feels sleazy and inauthentic, or you’re not sure how to close sales.
- You’re working clients who take up all your time, drain your energy – and you’re still not close to earning the income you want.
If you said yes to any of these – you’re not alone!
You simply haven’t leveraged the tools other coaches are using to play a bigger game, and…
If You Want to Play a Bigger Game, You Have to Stop Helping One Person at a Time and Start Serving Many People at Once Through Group Coaching Programs!
And that’s where we come in!
We’ve created a complete coaching program – so all the hard work has already been done for you!
You DON’T Have to:
- Find and hire good contractors to outsource your content, graphics and sales copy to.
- Train your contractors and manage them.
- Organize scheduling and worry about deadlines.
- Wait weeks, even months, to get your project completed and launched.
- Handle bookkeeping and pay out thousands of dollars to your contractors.
Smart business coaches are investing in quality coaching programs that have already been created – saving themselves thousands of dollars, hassles, and time!
Successful 6- and 7-figure Business Coaches Buy Our Ready-to-Go Programs, Brand Them, Package them as Group Coaching Programs and Sell Them to Their Stadium of Raving Fans – Earning Back Their Investment Over and Over and Over!
And they’re LOVING our brand new Done for You Coaching Program called:
“How to Create Hot Selling Programs to Earn Passive Income AND Get New Clients!”
Watch the Video to See Everything You’ll Get Inside this Done for You Coaching Program:
Brand it to your business, edit it, add to it, put your name on it and use it to set up an entire product sales funnel!
Here’s What You’ll Get in this Done for You Coaching Program Package:
Ready-to-Go Coaching Program with 4 Training Modules, Fast Action Plan Worksheets, Exercises, Program Accelerator Checklists, and PowerPoint Slides!
Module 1: Discover Your Winning Idea (12-pages)
Everyone has one. It’s what your clients are begging you for, but since they don’t always tell you in so many words, you might struggle to figure it out.
In this training module, your clients will learn:
- A powerful case study that shows you exactly how one coach used this method to catapult herself to stardom!
- 3 Ways to solidly brand yourself and your business so potential clients will know exactly who you are and what you’re all about.
- 2 critical objectives your coaching website must meet – do this before you go any further, or all your efforts will be wasted.
- 5-point checklist for discovering your winning idea – meet all of these criteria, and you’ll be well on your way to creating an irresistable offer.
- 5 ways to make a personal connection – because we already know that people buy from those they know, like, and trust.
- What you absolutely must know about your ideal client before you create any program or product – get this wrong, and you will just be wasting time and money.
- The power of a “signature program” and how to begin to develop yours!
Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (3-pages)
Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist (2-pages)
Module 1: PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (15 slides)
Module 2: Designing and Creating Your Program Quickly and Easily (12-pages)Defining your “signature” product – and why this is key to your success. Your signature program is going to be the thing you become known for, but it doesn’t have to take weeks or months to create if you follow the steps in Module Two.
In this training module, your clients will learn:
- 2 things to consider – besides income – when you’re deciding what programs to create.
- Where to find inspiration if you’re feeling stuck.
- 3 ways your passive income programs can work to grow your business – and one of them will surprise you
- 7 ways you can communicate with your audience – pick and choose the ones that work for you!
- 7 questions to consider when outlining your signature program – answer these clearly, and your platform will create itself!
- The critical concerns you must address when creating your program – if you get nothing else from this module, this section is the most important one to work through.
- How to brainstorm a killer name for your new program – plus the one job your tagline must do, and how to get it done.
Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (4-pages)
Module 2: Program Accelerator Checklist (3-pages)
Module 2: PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (17 slides)
Module 3: The Short and Sweet Product Launch (13-pages)
A successful launch doesn’t have to involve an army of VAs and hungry affiliates beating down the door to get started. A simple, tasteful and timely launch will go far toward solidifying your brand and your signature product.
In this training module, your clients will learn:
- The simple, three step process to take you from set-up to first sale – without the stresses of long-term, million dollar product launches.
- The tried and true method that turns visitors into buyers – this rinse and repeat system will have your offer funnel brimming with prospects.
- 3 questions to ask when creating a paid product or resource, to help you narrow your options and avoid analysis paralasys.
- How to design a step-by-step buying plan your clients will be happy to follow.
- How to maintain buyer interest in between purchases – it’s not as difficult as you might think when you follow this two-step plan
- 10 options for add-on bonuses or upgrades that your readers will love
- 3 critical considerations when it comes to setting your prices
Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (4-pages)
Module 3: Program Accelerator Checklist (3-pages)
Module 3: PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (13 slides)
Module 4: How to Generate Passive Non Coaching Income (12-pages)
As you can see, there’s more to getting your passive income rolling than simply including a few affiliate offers in your email. But…
In this training module, your clients will learn:
- 4 steps that are critical to building true passive income – and solid tips for tackling each one
- How and when to approach a potential JV partner to help grow your audience
- 4 types of products just perfect for partnerships
- Why it might be a good idea to offer your JV 100% of the profits – and how doing so can benefit you in the end
- How and why to start an affiliate program – if you’re resisting setting one up, know this: affiliates increase your income, they don’t take away from it
- 8 must-have affiliate tools and resources – without these, getting others to promote will be a struggle
- The piece of the puzzle many coaches forget – miss this and you are, as they say, leaving money on the table!
- How to avoid costly customer service faux pas – word will spread, so don’t make these mistakes!
Module 4: Fast Action Worksheet & Exercise (3-pages)
Module 4: Program Accelerator Checklist (1-page)
Module 4: PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (16 slides)
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today!
Only $147 $47!
Use this coupon to activate your special savings: JJ
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AND, You’ll Also Get All These Done For You Tools to Presell Your Coaching Program:
Presell Your Coaching Program with these Done For You Promotional Tools
(and give them to your affiliates to promote you too)
4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
- Live Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not a myth, but it does take a little work (253 words)
- Live Webinar Email Promo #2: The only limit is your own determination (233 words)
- Replay Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not hard to do when you know that steps (251 words)
- Replay Webinar Email Promo #2: Still struggling to increase your coaching income? Try this (241 words)
10 Social Media Posts for Facebook, Twitter, Google+
5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles
- 5 Passive Income Programs You Can Create Right Now (562 words)
- Create Passive Income Programs Using Content You Already Have (533 words)
- How to Create Passive Income Programs (595 words)
- Using Passive Income Programs to Get New Clients (550 words)
- Why You Need to Create Passive Income Programs (498 words)
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today!
Only $147!
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Plus, You’ll Get All These Done For You Tools to Host Your Free Webinar or Teleseminar to Sell Your Coaching Program:
Ready-to-Go Tools to Host Your Free Webinar or Teleseminar
Free Webinar or Teleseminar Registration Page/Copy:
Webinar or Teleseminar Script: 5 Easy Steps From Inspiration to Information Product (8-pages)
This webinar script will help you teach your guests:
- Determine your goals – You won’t ever get where you want to be if you can’t define where it is you’re going!
- 7 Ways to define your ideal customer’s most urgent problem – No one buys information – they buy solutions. These 7 ideas will help you know exactly what they need.
- 7 popular information product formats – And why each one is perfect for your product – or not!
- Killer Title Creation Tips – A sexy, compelling title can make or break your product launch. Here’s how to create one.
- 3 Easy options for fast product creation – No more half-finished projects cluttering up your hard drive.
Webinar PowerPoint Slides (16 slides)
Webinar or Teleseminar Handout: Quick Passive Income Product Creation ideas (3-pages)
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today!
Only $47 with Special coupon!
Use this coupon to save $100 Today: JJ
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Plus, You’ll Get These Done For You Sales Tools to Help You Sell Your Coaching Program:
Start Making Sales with this Done for You Sales Letter to Sell Your Coaching Program From
Showcase Your Coaching Program with Done for You Ecover Graphics – You Get Both JPG & PSD Versions.
**Full sizes are not represented here!
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today
and You’ll Get Instant Access to All This:
- 4 Training Modules (40-pages, 7805 words)
- Module 1: Discover Your Winning Idea
- Module 2: Designing and Creating Your Program Quickly and Easily
- Module 3: The Short and Sweet Product Launch
- Module 4: How to Generate Passive Non Coaching Income
- 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (14-pages)
- Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (3-pages)
- Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (4-pages)
- Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise (4-pages)
- Module 4: Fast Action Worksheet & Exercise (3-pages)
- 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (9-pages)
- Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist (2-pages)
- Module 2: Program Accelerator Checklist (3-pages)
- Module 3: Program Accelerator Checklist (3-pages)
- Module 4: Program Accelerator Checklist (1-page)
- 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (54 slides)
- Module 1: Includes 15 slides
- Module 2: Includes 17 slides
- Module 3: Includes 13 slides
- Module 4: Includes 16 slides
- 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
- Live Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not a myth, but it does take a little work (253 words)
- Live Webinar Email Promo #2: The only limit is your own determination (233 words)
- Replay Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not hard to do when you know that steps (251 words)
- Replay Webinar Email Promo #2: Still struggling to increase your coaching income? Try this (241 words)
- 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
- 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
- 5 Passive Income Programs You Can Create Right Now (562 words)
- Create Passive Income Programs Using Content You Already Have (533 words)
- How to Create Passive Income Programs (595 words)
- Using Passive Income Programs to Get New Clients (550 words)
- Why You Need to Create Passive Income Programs (498 words)
- Free Webinar or Teleseminar Registration Page and Copy (includes email confirmation page and thank you page)
- Webinar or Teleseminar Script: 5 Easy Steps From Inspiration to Information Product (8-pages)
- Webinar PowerPoint Slides (16 slides)
- Webinar or Teleseminar Handout: Quick Passive Income Product Creation ideas (3-pages)
- Ready-to-Go Sales Letter with Copy and Thank-you page to sell your completed product from
- Ecover Graphics to Represent Your Coaching Program in Different Sizes (JPEG & PSD versions)
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today!
Only $47 with Special coupon!
Use this coupon to save $100 Today: JJ
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Act Now and Get These Fast Action Bonuses!
BONUS #1: How To Get the Attention of Joint Venture Partners, Super Affiliates, and Other Rock Stars
Use our unique content to train yourself or become an instant expert and use them in your coaching business to work with and train your clients. These are also great for hosting your teleseminars, webinars, events, and workshops.
You get all the templates in .doc format so you can customize it as much (or as little) as you would like.
Tutorial Summary:
- Introduction
- Step One: Creating Your Affiliate or Partnership Offer
- So What Does It Take To Attract A Super Affiliate?
- Is it Easy to Access Your Content and Do you Have an Abundance of Material for Them to Use?
- Super Affiliates Like Metrics
- Quality and Respect
- What Do You Have to Offer Joint Venture Partners?
- Step two: Finding the Right Affiliates and Partners for Your Business
- Identifying Potential Joint Venture Partners
- Reaching out to Potential JV partners
- Do Your Research and Be an Active Contributor
- Send a Personal Email
- Pick Up the Phone
- Identifying Super Affiliates
- Reaching Out To Potential Affiliates
- Social Media Connections
- What if You Found Your Prospect Via Search Engine Results?
- Maintaining Your Rock Star Relationships
The Included Templates Are:
- How to Get the Attention of Super Affiliates, Joint Venture Partners and Other Rock Stars (12-pages, 4028 words)
- 17 PowerPoint Slides Created from the Step-by-Step Tutorial to use for Your Presentations, Videos, and Webinars
Here are screenshots from this package:
How to Get the Attention of Super Affiliates, Joint Venture Partners and Other Rock Stars Tutorial to Train Yourself and Become an Instant Expert
PowerPoint Slides Created from the Step-by-Step Tutorial to use for Your Presentations, Videos, and Webinars
BONUS #2: Using Keynote to Create Your Presentations
Use our unique content to train yourself and also use it in your coaching business to work with and train your clients. These are also great for hosting your teleseminars, webinars, events, and workshops.
Did you know that you can create stunning presentations from your iPhone and iPad?
Plus you can take your presentations with you to present them to your clients at their location. You can, with Keynote.
Do you travel a lot? You can create powerful, professional presentations from the road with your iPad or iPhone rather than lugging your laptop out of your suitcase in the airport and on the plane.
Simple, elegant designs are all ready for you, and you can teach your people how to use this tool, too!
What This Package Includes:
- Report: Using Keynote to Create Your Presentations (17-pages, 4448 words)
- 31 PowerPoint Slides Created from the Step-by-Step Tutorial to use for Your Presentations, Videos, and Webinars
- 10 Checklists to Make your Keynote Presentations Even More Powerful
- You get all the content in .doc and .ppt format so you can customize it as much (or as little) as you would like.
Here’s Exactly What You Get:
Using Keynote to Create Your Presentations Tutorial to Train Yourself and Become an Instant Expert
Tutorial Summary:
- Introduction
- Getting Started with Keynote
- Formatting Text
- Using Master Slides
- Working with Themes
- Adding Multi-Media Elements
- Using Notes for a More Robust Presentation
- Organizing Your Presentation
- Animations Keep Your Audience Engaged
- Creating a Movie from Your Presentation
- Power Presentations on the Go with iPad and Keynote
- Pro Tips for Better Presentations
- Conclusion
10 PowerPoint Checklists
These are the 10 Checklists You Get:
- 14 Ways to Repurpose Your Keynote Presentation for Maximum Reach
- Advanced Tips for Power Presentations
- Great Presentation Checklist
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keynote Slide Must Haves
- On-the-Go Presentations
- Presentation Development Worksheet
- Time Saving Tips for Keynote Presentations
- Tips for Effective Keynote Use
- Your Discovery Session Presentation
PowerPoint Slides Created from the Step-by-Step Tutorial to use for
Your Presentations, Videos, and Webinars
BONUS #3: Step-by-Step Guide to Using GoToWebinar
This coaching template set contains how to use GoToWebinar to connect with your customers. You get this report in .doc format so you can customize it as much (or as little) as you would like.
Document Summary:
- Signing Up for GoToWebinar
- The Key Features of GoToWebinar
- Steps to Setting Up Your First Webinar on GoToWebinar
- Scheduling Your Webinar
- Setting Webinar Options
- Branding Your Webinar
- Creating a Registration Form
- Inviting Webinar Participants
- Tracking User Registrations
- Additional Settings and Functions
- Planning The Webinar
- Starting and Running Your Webinar
- After the Webinar
- Attendee Feedback
- GoToWebinar Reports
- Recording Your Webinars for Archiving and Future Playback
What this Package Includes:
- Report: Step-by-Step Guide to Using GoToWebianr (19-pages, 4587 words)
- Includes 10 screenshots
- 19 PowerPoint Slides
Here are a few screenshots of what you’ll get:
BONUS #4: Using 1ShoppingCart to Boost Your Business
This coaching tools set contains how to use 1ShoppingCart to boost your business. You get this report in .doc format so you can customize it as much (or as little) as you would like.
Document Summary:
- Introduction
- Getting Up and Running With 1ShoppingCart
- Setting up Your Gateway and Integrating with the 1ShoppingCart Service
- Customer Registration Features
- Linking to 1ShoppingCart
- Promoting Your Store
- Using Promotional Coupons
- Managing Your Affiliates
- Customizing the Look and Feel of Your 1ShoppingCart Store
- Importing Your Existing Contacts into Your 1Shopping Cart Account
- Where to Go for Additional Help
What this Report Includes:
- A 15-pages (4616 words) step-by-step guide
- Includes 5 screenshots
- 28 PowerPoint Slides
Here are a few screenshots of what you’ll get:
Order Your Copy of This Entire Done For You Coaching Program Today!
Only $47 with Special coupon!
Use this coupon to save $100 Today: JJ
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What You CAN Do With This Content:
After you turn it it into a pdf, you can do any of the following…
- YES – You can edit, add to or sell the content as is
- YES – You can claim full authorship
- YES – You can create webinars for your audience.
- YES – You can create live workshop events for your high end clients.
- YES – Use pieces of our top notch content on your blog to create informative, educational training to entice people to want more
- YES – This content can be used for creating an opt-in bonus
- YES – This content can be bundled with other paid products to add more value to them
- YES –This content can be offered as a bonus to a paid product
- YES – This content can be added to paid membership sites
- YES – This content can be used as inspiration to create audio or video products
- YES – You can sell this as a personal use only product
- YES – You may publish it offline as a paid product
- YES – You can give it away to your premium clients
- YES – It can be added to your own membership sites
- YES – You can convert these document into pdf reports to add to your existing products to make them more thorough
- YES – You can add our content to your members’ area to provide step-by-step training for your clients
- YES – You may turn this training into a speaking presentation so you can present and become a celebrity in your local community
- YES – You may create YouTube videos to draw in more clients
Please Note the Things You Can Not Do with These Documents.
- You may not load this content up on Kindle. (That’s against Amazon’s terms of service and can get your account banned.)
- You may not pass on the .doc versions of this training to anyone (for instance to other coaches). The training must be converted to .pdf or turned into audios or videos. If anyone wants the .doc versions, they must buy them from us.
- It can not be offered through auction sites, dime sales/firesales
- You can not give away or sell private label rights.
- You can not give away or sell resell rights or master resell rights You may not transfer the rights you have to your customer.
If your purchase is not satisfactory, we will happily provide store credit or a refund when requested within 30 days of purchase. Please open a ticket here with the details of your purchase and the reason for your request. Please consider that serial refunders will be blocked from our system at our discretion.