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3 Productivity Hacks You’re Not Using…Yet!

Want to get more done? We all do. After all, the kids have activities every day that we need to prepare for/attend/chaperone, the spouse needs some attention, clients are clamoring for your time, and in between you have to find time to go to the gym, get your hair done, and maybe go to the grocery store.

And business? Well, there’s that to attend to as well. Invoicing, product creation, bookkeeping, marketing, social media, blogging…the list goes on.

It’s starting to feel like you can’t possibly get it all done, isn’t it?

Here’s the good news. If the surge in productivity blogs and advice is any indication, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, thousands of small business owners just like you are constantly on the look out for the next great productivity plan.

And like you, they’re completely overlooking three terrific hacks that are proven to work.

Get Out of Your Office

Boredom is a huge productivity killer. Looking at your office walls day after day and week after week is the best way to destroy your drive (and your creativity). So stop doing it.

Take your laptop and head to a coffee shop or library or even to the picnic table in your back yard. Better yet, leave the laptop behind and just get out for an hour or so. Take a walk. Go window shopping. Go dancing. Anything that stimulates your brain senses will help bring back your entrepreneurial mojo and make you more productive—especially if you use it as a reward for getting your work done!

Adopt a 4-Day Workweek

Want to really increase your productivity? Shorten your work hours. When you’re forced to do a whole week’s worth of work in just 4 days, you’ll suddenly find yourself focusing better and completing tasks, rather than endlessly surfing Facebook and putting your products off until tomorrow.

Upgrade Your Language

How many times each day do you say to yourself (or someone else), “I have to do…”?

“Have to.” What an unpleasant, procrastination-inducing phrase. Nothing will turn you off faster than thinking you have to do something. Change that negative language to something positive, though, and you’ll be a lot more productive.

Rather than filling your to-do list with “have tos” and “should dos,” fill it with “get tos.”

  • Today I get to catch up on my bookkeeping (and see how much profit we made last month!)
  • Today I get to write a new blog post for my readers (and help them learn something new!)
  • Today I get to record videos for my YouTube channel (and reach a whole new audience!)

It’s purely psychological, but that one simple change can make all the difference in how much you accomplish in a day. Give it a try!

7 Productivity Tools to Rock Your Coaching Business

Want to really get stuff done? Check out our brand new Teach Your Tribe kit and discover the tools top coaches are using (and how) to get more done in less time. And like all our Teach Your Tribe kits, this one comes with full rebranding rights, so after you’ve mastered the concepts, you can add your own thoughts and advice, change up the branding, and offer it to your tribe as a free or paid training.

It includes everything you need to create a full training course, including webinar slides, handouts, resource directory and more. And let’s face it, this is something everyone struggles with, so your customers will surely appreciate your help solving their own productivity issues.

Click here to get all the details.

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