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40,000 Entrepreneurs Can’t Be Wrong.

If you’re not familiar with Lead Pages, it’s what 40,000 business owners (including us) use to create awesome landing pages that instantly get signups and grow our lists.
What types of pages can you create with it to grow YOUR lists? 
  • Optin (or squeeze) pages to give away your free reports
  • Book launch pages
  • Teleseminar sign up pages
  • Webinar signup pages
  • Telesummit pages
  • Giveaway pages
  • Hangout pages
  • Sales pages
  • Retreat and event pages

You could literally run your entire business on LeadPages if you wanted to. 

Recently we hosted a training webinar 4 Steps To Grow Your Email List FAST” with our friend (who is an amazing teacher), Bob Jenkins. Make sure you check it out now because we’re not sure how long they’ll be keeping the replay page up.

Seriously it was sooo good. We both took lots of action notes, and walked away with ah-ha’s from the 4 steps!

Melissa is definitely going to be using their “best performing” leadpage + offer after the call. And, we’re already implementing more LeadBoxes! What a simple yet effective concept.

Plus, we both had “slap your forehead” moments when we realized that we can and should use THEIR copy on the pages as our starting point since it’s all been tested and it CONVERTS. Why recreate the wheel when they’ve got millions of people viewing the pages as they’re being tested all  the time. DOH! 🙂 

Click here to watch the replay now.

Want some examples of pages that we created?

We made these with LeadPage’s drag and drop interface without having to know ANYthing technical:

Whether you create your own pages or you hire a VA to do them, either way, you’ll gain freedom and learn on this call. 

Be sure to go here to watch the replay of this training right now.

If you don’t have a list yet and you don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered.

4 steps to creating your first list:

1. Buy ANY item on this page, customize it with your branding, turn it into a pdf and voila! You’ve got your freebie to offer. 
3. Grab a  LeadPages account to set up your optin page or a LeadBox. 
4. Promote the page! 🙂 
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