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5 Easy Ways to Get More Comfortable on Video


If you’re marketing your business online, there’s one tool you cannot continue to ignore: video.

The trouble is, that’s the one we all want to ignore. The thought of getting in front of a camera scares most of us nearly as much as stepping onto a stage to speak in front of a crowd. We get those telltale “butterflies.” Our palms sweat. We stumble over our words. We blush and fiddle with our hair and fidget and talk too fast.

So how can you break those nervous habits and confidently join in the video marketing fun? With these 5 easy strategies:

1. Just do it. A lot.

If you want to get really good at anything, you have to do it every single day, and video is no exception. So make it a habit to sit down in front of your camera to record a video each and every day until it becomes second nature to you.

You don’t have to publish the video (although you can). You don’t even have to show anyone (although you should). The key right now is just to do it. Get comfortable seeing that little “on air” light above your monitor. Don’t shy away from it. Embrace it. Smile. And click “record.”

2. Get comfortable in your own skin.

Look, we all think we’re too fat or too skinny, or that tiny blemish on the end of our nose is larger than it is, or that our nose is too wide or too crooked or too… something. We look at our teeth and wish they were whiter or straighter. We get it. We all see our personal flaws–even those that are so small they’re nearly unnoticeable to others.

The key to being comfortable on video is to get comfortable with your face and your speech mannerisms and your body. There are a few ways to do it.

One is to just decide that you’re awesome and that no one is perfect and embrace your uniqueness. And that is a great thing to do if you can.

The other is anything that does bother you that you can improve, go ahead and do it if it will make you feel better. On that note, we all want to take care of ourselves. Drink water. Walk more. Get a makeover or buy a new top if it makes you feel better. Or, again, just be you. You don’t have to hire a personal trainer and drop 7 dress sizes or hire a plastic surgeon to fix your nose, obviously. And if we all wait until we’re a size 2 and have perfect skin, we may never do video. So just get on camera already. 🙂 Plus, most people don’t notice the things that we see about ourselves anyway.  So, just concentrate on a small change that makes YOU feel better about yourself. It might be something as simple as a new pair of earrings that makes you feel confident and ready. Your newfound confidence will shine through.

3. Be ready.

Sometimes, recording a video or jumping on a Facebook Live or Periscope is a real spur of the moment thing. An idea hits, and you’re ready to run with it. Or are you?

If you have pause to do your hair or touch up your makeup or clear away the clutter in your office, you’ll lose your video mojo pretty quickly. Instead, make it a point to always be prepared (thank you Boy Scouts of America for lending us your motto).

Now that doesn’t mean you have to always look like a million bucks. But do try to keep your office picked up and your hair brushed, and you’ll never have to worry that your message will be lost in the clutter.

4. Become a great mimic.

Watch videos from those you admire and work to imitate the styles you find most attractive. Does your favorite video star always film outside? Set up your new studio in the back yard. Is she serious or fun-loving? Try on her style for a video or two and see if it fits.

No, you do not have to share these videos with anyone. They don’t have to be published to YouTube, and you don’t have to get on Facebook Live and pretend to be Marie Forleo. But by testing out different personas and styles, you’ll find the one that fits you and your unique personality perfectly, and your confidence will soar.

5. Watch your own videos.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable–at least in the beginning. But by watching yourself on each video and taking notes about what you did (and did not) like, you’ll quickly make improvements and boost your own confidence.

No one expects you to produce polished, professional quality videos right out of the gate. It takes practice to find your style and your video “voice,” but once you do, you might just find that those nerve-wracking videos have actually become fun!

Ready to Go Live?


There’s a new opportunity when it comes to video marketing: Live streaming apps. From Facebook to Periscope to Google Hangouts, it seems as if everyone is broadcasting live–and cashing in on the traffic it can bring.

If you’re ready to turn your new video confidence into your very own streaming video events (or your clients are), then you’re going to want to grab our brand new done-for-you workshop, “Go Live! How to Cash in on the Hot Trend of Live Videos.” We’ve done all the research and work for you, and included everything from the training materials to the worksheets and checklists. So pull up a chair, learn all the ins and outs of live video, and then customize the workshop to share with your tribe!

Click here to order your copy today.

Nicole & Melissa


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