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Define Your Ideal Work Atmosphere to Maximize Productivity

Ever have one of those days (or multiple days!) where 5 pm rolls around and you wonder where the time went? Not only did you not accomplish your whole to do list but you have no idea what to make for dinner. Yep, been there, done that.

One way to reclaim your productivity is to create an atmosphere conducive to working and this can look any way you want, so long as it works for you. Let’s explore some options:

1. Your own private office.

Do you have dedicated work space in your home? Does that space have a door? Some people need that door closed to feel like they’re in work mode whereas others work just fine on the couch with their laptop. Even if you claim the kitchen table as your desk when the kids go to school, be sure everything you need is within easy reach.

2. Music vs silence.

Some people love having soft music in the background as they do research or write emails; it serves as white noise that helps them concentrate. On the other hand, some prefer to have complete and total silence so they can focus completely instead of getting lost in some lyrics.

3. Create a virtual office at a local coffee shop.

Again, if you can work well with ambient noise, a coffee shop with its hushed conversations may be the atmosphere you need. Some find that doing work in a public place forces them to actually work as opposed to surfing Facebook all day or playing games on their phones. You can even find apps on your phone that simulate the noise of a coffee house while you work from home.

4. Clear the clutter from your space.

Even if you have a wonderful office with a door, having it serve as a “throw all” room for every family member will take away all your positive work energy. Is your desktop cluttered with bills and other paper? Create a system to organize it and file it away. Does your office have a big box of papers that need to be shredded (I do!)? Make the time to shred it, ask your teenager to do it for you, or find a local shredding company to do it for you. If you choose to find a company, look for one that also deals with legal or medical shredding; that way you’ll know they have strict privacy policies in place.

5. Regain focus by diffusing essential oils.

Oils are all the rage recently – even though their benefits were known since ancient times – and there are several that claim to help with maintaining focus and peace. Simple diffusers are relatively inexpensive and can fit easily on your desk if you want to experiment with using oils to help you regain focus on your tasks. One note is to use PURE essential oils for the best effect and there are numerous suppliers for these higher-grade oils.


I’ve Got Even MORE Productivity Tips…

In our next planner that’s set to release, we’re talking all about productivity and time management along with different techniques for working efficiently. We’ll delve into time blocking, creating themes, and why you should schedule your down time. When you have a plan in place, you’ll be more productive because you won’t be wondering, “What do I do next?” Check out the planner and launch your productivity to the next level

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