
Use Our Content to Create a Digital Workshop or Ecourse or Go Offline with it and Host a Weekend Workshop in a Gorgeous Location Using Our Materials!

We know you’re busy running your business and having a life, which is why you may still be struggling to package up your expertise into fabulous workshops, programs, classes, and ecourses that you can sell over and over again (and stop working so hard 1:1).

We’ve done all the hard work for you!

You don’t have to invest hours and hours of your own time into developing a workshop program, and you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to hire people to help you. By investing in our low-cost coaching workshops you’ll save a ton of time, energy and money! 

When you purchase a coaching workshop from us, you are buying the license that gives you permission to edit and customize the content in any way you like, put your business logo and name on it, and sell or give it away to your paying clients/customers/members.

Imagine How Fast Your Business Would Grow if You…

  • Host regular online workshops or classes (or make it exclusive by opening the doors for enrollment just few times a year)
  • Set up a year-long academy and use many of our workshops and content packages to deliver training to your clients
  • Package up your expertise + our content into ecourses that you sell over and over again
  • Develop a monthly group coaching program and then use our content + templates to create your curriculum
  • Host an in-person weekend workshop in a beautiful location using our materials to teach your audience


Are you ready to save a ton of time + money and grow your business?

You’ll Get an Entire Workshop with 4 Training Modules + 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises + 4 Program Accelerator Checklists + 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides

Now you can finally stop procrastinating and launch the workshop or ecourse you’ve been dreaming about!

When you purchase the license to our workshop, you’ll be able to develop and release a sparkly new ecourse or program in a matter of days (not months or years), and that means that you can start enrolling clients and accepting payments right away.

Our mission is to make it easy for coaches just like you to make an impact on the world and be of service to your tribe, in the most powerful and aligned way possible.

Here’s What’s Included in Your How to Create Hot Selling Programs to Earn Passive Income AND Get New Clients!: 

Module 1: Discover Your Winning Idea

Everyone has one. It’s what your clients are begging you for, but since they don’t always tell you in so many words, you might struggle to figure it out.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • A powerful case study that shows you exactly how one coach used this method to catapult herself to stardom!
  • 3 Ways to solidly brand yourself and your business so potential clients will know exactly who you are and what you’re all about.
  • 2 critical objectives your coaching website must meet – do this before you go any further, or all your efforts will be wasted.
  • 5-point checklist for discovering your winning idea – meet all of these criteria, and you’ll be well on your way to creating an irresistable offer.
  • 5 ways to make a personal connection – because we already know that people buy from those they know, like, and trust.
  • What you absolutely must know about your ideal client before you create any program or product – get this wrong, and you will just be wasting time and money.
  • The power of a “signature program” and how to begin to develop yours!


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 1:

Module 1: Training

module 1

Module 1: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

module 1 action


Module 1: Program Accelerator Checklist

module 1 checklist


Module 1: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

module 1 pp


Module 2: Designing and Creating Your Program Quickly and Easily 

Defining your “signature” product – and why this is key to your success. Your signature program is going to be the thing you become known for, but it doesn’t have to take weeks or months to create if you follow the steps in Module Two.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • 2 things to consider – besides income – when you’re deciding what programs to create.
  • Where to find inspiration if you’re feeling stuck.
  • 3 ways your passive income programs can work to grow your business – and one of them will surprise you
  • 7 ways you can communicate with your audience – pick and choose the ones that work for you!
  • 7 questions to consider when outlining your signature program – answer these clearly, and your platform will create itself!
  • The critical concerns you must address when creating your program – if you get nothing else from this module, this section is the most important one to work through.
  • How to brainstorm a killer name for your new program – plus the one job your tagline must do, and how to get it done.

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 2:

Module 2: Training

module 2

Module 2: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

module 2 action

Module 2: Program 
Accelerator Checklist

module 2 checklist


Module 2: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

module 2 pp


Module 3: The Short and Sweet Product Launch

A successful launch doesn’t have to involve an army of VAs and hungry affiliates beating down the door to get started. A simple, tasteful and timely launch will go far toward solidifying your brand and your signature product.

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • The simple, three step process to take you from set-up to first sale – without the stresses of long-term, million dollar product launches.
  • The tried and true method that turns visitors into buyers – this rinse and repeat system will have your offer funnel brimming with prospects.
  • 3 questions to ask when creating a paid product or resource, to help you narrow your options and avoid analysis paralasys.
  • How to design a step-by-step buying plan your clients will be happy to follow.
  • How to maintain buyer interest in between purchases – it’s not as difficult as you might think when you follow this two-step plan
  • 10 options for add-on bonuses or upgrades that your readers will love
  • 3 critical considerations when it comes to setting your prices


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 3:

Module 3: Training

module 3

Module 3: Fast Action Plan Worksheet & Exercise

module 3 action

Module 3: Program 
Accelerator Checklist

module 3 checklist

Module 3: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

module 3 pp

Module 4: How to Generate Passive Non-Coaching Income  

As you can see, there’s more to getting your passive income rolling than simply including a few affiliate offers in your email. But…

In this module, your clients will quickly discover…

  • 4 steps that are critical to building true passive income – and solid tips for tackling each one
  • How and when to approach a potential JV partner to help grow your audience
  • 4 types of products just perfect for partnerships
  • Why it might be a good idea to offer your JV 100% of the profits – and how doing so can benefit you in the end
  • How and why to start an affiliate program – if you’re resisting setting one up, know this: affiliates increase your income, they don’t take away from it
  • 8 must-have affiliate tools and resources – without these, getting others to promote will be a struggle
  • The piece of the puzzle many coaches forget – miss this and you are, as they say, leaving money on the table!
  • How to avoid costly customer service faux pas – word will spread, so don’t make these mistakes!


Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Content You’ll Get in Module 4:

Module 4: Training

module 4

Module 4: Fast Action Worksheet & Exercise

module 4 action

Module 4: Program 
Accelerator Checklist

module 4 checklist

Module 4: PowerPoint Slides to Present Your Content Through Webinars, Classes, and Workshops

module 4 pp

Plus, You’ll Also Get a Sales + Marketing Materials Kit to Help You Sell Your Workshop and Start Collecting Payments:

We want to make it super easy for you to promote your workshop and start collecting payments, which is why we’ve included tons of fabulous sales and marketing materials for you and your JV partners.

That’s right! You can share these sales materials with your JV partners so they can promote you too!

Here’s What’s Included in Your Sales + Marketing Materials Kit:

A great way to fill your workshop is by hosting a free webinar that sets the stage for you to show off your expertise, connect with your tribe, and be of service to them through amazing content – while also leading your clients to the conclusion that they want to work with you.

We’ve made it easy for you to host your own webinar that provides value and helps you enroll clients in your workshop.

  • Webinar Script: “5 Easy Steps From Inspiration to Information Product”
    • Determine your goals – You won’t ever get where you want to be if you can’t define where it is you’re going!
    • 7 Ways to define your ideal customer’s most urgent problem – No one buys information – they buy solutions. These 7 ideas will help you know exactly what they need.
    • 7 popular information product formats – And why each one is perfect for your product – or not!
    • Killer Title Creation Tips – A sexy, compelling title can make or break your product launch. Here’s how to create one.
    • 3 Easy options for fast product creation – No more half-finished projects cluttering up your hard drive.
  • Webinar Registration Page Copy that you can copy and paste into your own lead page to get sign ups for your free webinar
  • PowerPoint Slides for Your Webinar so you don’t have to start from scratch
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Quick Passive Income Product Creation Ideas”

And we’ve got you covered when it comes to promoting your live webinar, the replay of your webinar, AND your workshop.

Just copy, paste, and edit the emails, social media posts, and blog posts/newsletter articles and start spreading the word about your sparkly new workshop!

  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Free Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not a myth, but it does take a little work (253 words)
    • Free Webinar Email Promo #2: The only limit is your own determination  (233 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not hard to do when you know that steps (251 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: Still struggling to increase your coaching income? Try this! (241 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    1. 5 Passive Income Programs You Can Create Right Now (562 words)
    2. Create Passive Income Programs Using Content You Already Have (533 words)
    3. How to Create Passive Income Programs (595 words)
    4. Using Passive Income Programs to Get New Clients (550 words)
    5. Why You Need to Create Passive Income Programs (498 words)

But we don’t stop there…we’re also giving you sales page copy that you can copy, paste, and edit and use to sell your workshop (no more paying a copywriter thousands of dollars to do this for you!).

Take a Peek at all the Fabulous Sales and Marketing Materials Included in Your Kit:

Promotional Emails, Blog Posts, Social Media Posts

marketing kit


Webinar Script: “5 Easy Steps From Inspiration to Information Product”

webinar script

Webinar Registration Page Copy:

webinar registration

Webinar PowerPoint Slides

webinar slides


Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Quick Passive Income Product Creation Ideas”

webinar handout

Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop

sales page

Get Your License to This Coaching Workshop and Get Instant Access to All This:

  • cover-final.340x4534 Training Modules (34 pages, 7345 words)
    • Module 1: Discover Your Winning Idea
    • Module 2: Designing and Creating Your Program Quickly and Easily
    • Module 3: The Short and Sweet Product Launch
    • Module 4: How to Generate Passive Non Coaching Income
  • 4 Fast Action Plan Worksheets & Exercises (20 pages)
  • 4 Program Accelerator Checklists (15 pages)
  • 4 Sets of PowerPoint Slides to Create Your Inspiring Webinars or Videos (61 slides)
  • 4 Emails to Promote Both Your Live Webinar and the Replay of Your Webinar
    • Free Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not a myth, but it does take a little work (253 words)
    • Free Webinar Email Promo #2: The only limit is your own determination  (233 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #1: It’s not hard to do when you know that steps (251 words)
    • Paid Webinar Email Promo #2: Still struggling to increase your coaching income? Try this! (241 words)
  • 10 Social Media Posts to Promote Your Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
  • 5 Blog Posts / Newsletter Articles to Promote Your Program
    1. 5 Passive Income Programs You Can Create Right Now (562 words)
    2. Create Passive Income Programs Using Content You Already Have (533 words)
    3. How to Create Passive Income Programs (595 words)
    4. Using Passive Income Programs to Get New Clients (550 words)
    5. Why You Need to Create Passive Income Programs (498 words)

Webinar Registration Page and Copy 

  • Webinar Script: 5 Easy Steps From Inspiration to Information Product (13 pages)
  • Webinar PowerPoint Slides (23 slides)
  • Handout to Give Your Webinar Guests: “Quick Passive Income Product Creation Ideas” (5 pages)
  • Sales Page Copy to Help You Sell Your Workshop


Your Investment:

Just One Tiny Payment of $127