Whether you’re just starting out in business or you’re a seasoned veteran, you should know there are two cardinal sins you never want to commit: not knowing enough details about your target audience and letting your leads leave your website without giving their contact info. Without obtaining this pertinent information, you will work doubly hard marketing your business and likely see minimal success.
What’s Your Client Avatar?
Knowing your target market or your ideal client will keep you focused when it comes to creating products or services. Thinking that you want to target “anyone who has disposable income” will be a losing battle for you. Likewise, producing products simply because you need money will likely backfire if the products are not tailored to what your MARKET needs.
It’s not about you, it’s all about your market. What are THEIR struggles? What do THEY need help with? Answer these questions and your products will practically create themselves. Knowing the demographics of your target market will also help you develop the products and set pricing that won’t frighten away your ideal clients.
Gather Contact Info via Email Opt-Ins
This is your business so don’t be passive when it comes to attracting people to your website. Contrary to the famous “If you build it, they will come,” line in the movie Field of Dreams, just because you build a website does NOT mean people will find it. Instead of hoping that somebody will find you or call you for a quote, entice them to visit and always, always offer a reason for them to give their email address.
In the insurance industry, for example, it makes sense and is expected that people will leave their full address and phone number in order to get an accurate insurance quote. For the majority of businesses, offering a simple email opt-in with a freebie gift is enough to at least obtain an email address. Your email list will grow and you will have a way to follow up with your visitors and hopefully turn them into paying customers.
Get Creative by Using Quizzes
A tricky part about conducting market research and creating opt-in gifts is getting creative and offering something that will appeal to many visitors. Instead of falling back on the tried and true ebook or survey options, consider creating quizzes that allow you to do market research and get email addresses simultaneously.
If you spend any time at all on social media, Facebook specifically, you no doubt have seen many quizzes in your newsfeed, ranging from “What TV Character are You?” to “Who is Your Guardian Angel?” These are often an entertaining and fun way to spend 5 minutes but you can create quizzes that get your questions answered while still being fun for the reader. In the end, you’ll receive critical marketing information along with email addresses while your reader has 5 minutes of fun.
How to Create Quizzes for Your Business
Planning is an important aspect of creating your quizzes and we have a thorough Quiz Planner that walks you through all the steps of creating a unique quiz for your business.
Our planner has space for brainstorming ideas and suggestions for platforms dedicated to creating quizzes. We even included a planning template for a year’s worth of quizzes and tips for creating a quiz launch system!