What’s the difference between saying you’re a coach and being able to KNOW you’re able to attract and serve your ideal clients? It’s creating super targeted coaching packages!  

If your clients are building their own coaching business, you know there are MANY things that they need in place.

And no two coaches are alike.

But there are a couple of things that every coach needs to have in place, whether they’re just starting out or have been in business for years.

That’s their coaching packages and prices.

We know… It’s something they need, but also can be the most difficult thing to nail down.

Why? Because there’s so much that can put into their packages, so many features, so many strategies… It can get overwhelming and confusing quickly!

Luckily, your clients have you. You can help them break down the process of creating a coaching package into easy, do-able steps. With your help and guidance, they will walk away with a coaching package that showcases their unique skills, the transformations they deliver, and is perfect for their ideal clients!

Introducing Our Done-for-You “Coaching Packages & Pricing” Planner that You Can Sell as a Product or Challenge, Add to Your Membership Site, Or Create a VIP Day Around!

No more writing content from scratch or paying a ghostwriter hundreds or even thousands of dollars to help you develop your training content.

We’ve done all the hard work for you, and we’ve made it super affordable so it’s easy on the wallet.

How Cool Would it Be if You Ran a Challenge in Your Facebook Group and Based Each Day’s Training on One Step from this Planner…And Then Funneled People into Your Higher End Courses and Programs?

But you know what’s really awesome?

You can charge people to join your challenge!

Not only will they get access to the private Facebook group and your daily trainings – but you can give everyone who signs up a copy of this planner!

And because YOU get this planner in doc format, you can completely customize it to your business. Brand it with your colors and logo, add in your website information and offers, tweak the content to add examples, additional information, and more. 

Then simply save it as a PDF and load it up to your shopping cart or members area!

The Step-by-Step Planner Covers (27 PAGES):

  • Step 1: Define Your Dream Coaching Clients
  • Step 2: Get Crystal-Clear on the Outcomes You Provide
  • Step 3: Flesh Out the Must-Have Features and Logistics
  • Step 4: Craft Coaching Packages with Crazy-Attractive Names
  • Step 5: Price Your Packages for Prime Buying

Your clients will LOVE having this planner they can download or print off.

Take a Peek at this Step-by-Step Planner:

Imagine! If you sold just 2 copies of this planner at $27 each – you’d cover the cost of buying this planner AND everything after that would be profit for you!

Do you think you could sell 2 copies? We know you can!

Download this Planner Now for Only $47!


What can you do with this planner?

Here are 9 ideas to get you started…

  1. Personal Use (Grow Your Own Business!)
    Use this planner to grow your own business- create your own coaching packages that sell like hotcakes! Once you do, not only will you have a way to share your expertise and attract new clients, you’ll also have stories and intimate experience to share with your clients on a personal level so you can teach THEM to create their own packages and prices.
  2. Case Study & Grow Your Expert Status.
    After you’ve used the planner, put together a case study based on your own results and do a Facebook live or Zoom call sharing your experience and selling your new planner.
  3. Grow Your Lists.
    Create an opt-in from sections of this planner to grow your lists. Sell a digital or even print version of this planner on the backend to people who opt-in to your lists.
  4. Virtual Event to Connect with Other Successful Business Owners. 
    Gather other experts who have created their own coaching packages, or teach others how to create theirs!, and host a virtual event on this topic and use this planner as one of your upsells. You can interview them about how they put together their packages, how they choose their prices, or they can offer tips on how to sell and fill their offers.
  5. Bonus for Existing Programs.
    Offer this planner and a quick tutorial video as a bonus when people purchase your coaching or implementation package.
  6. Bonus for Affiliate Offers.
    Do you promote something already related to creating and pricing coaching packages? If so, use this as a bonus when people take action and buy your suggested course. 
  7. Host a Facebook Challenge.
    Design a challenge around this planner guiding your audience through each step with a video, audio, or guest expert interview.
  8. Grow Your Own Community.
    Start a separate FB group of entrepreneurs who are interested in creating new coaching packages and offer the community to those who purchase this planner. Offer your coaching program to them!
  9. Get Them Interested in Your Services.
    Work through this planner with your clients to help them grow their business by creating their own unique coaching packages. Offer a done-for-them service after they see what’s involved, if they don’t want to implement themselves.

Remember, you get this in .doc format and you can add to the planner, edit it, remove or replace portions, customize it, monetize it, feature your own programs or your favorite products, or just use it as it is.

We can’t wait to see what YOU do with the material.