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5 Ways to Treat Your Clients Like VIPs

Customer service is a quick way to either solidify your relationship with clients or make them run away looking for another coach. Delays in answering emails or returning phone calls can spell trouble; your clients will think you either went out of town without a follow up plan in place or you’re terribly ill with the flu without a contingency plan to handle client inquiries. On the flip side, putting your clients’ needs first and answering their inquiries in a timely fashion is the basic customer service they expect. Let’s explore ways to amp up your customer service game so your clients won’t ever want to leave you.

1. Celebrate and mourn with your clients.

Even if you’re not invited to their daughter’s wedding, you likely know all about the details from social media. Send flowers, balloons, or a handwritten note to your client just prior to the special occasion to show your support. The same is true when there’s a death in the family. Your client will appreciate your compassion and support during a very difficult time.

2. Always say thank you.

Holidays are a common time of year to send gifts or flowers to say “thank you for your business” but don’t hold off until that traditional time of year. If your client reaches an important breakthrough or business milestone, send a customized gift to acknowledge the event. Consider sending a gift or a coupon for any referrals your clients send to you.

3. Be proactive.

Clients love knowing that you understand and value their best interests, so be proactive with reminders about expiring subscriptions or recommendations for other products or services. Of course, do this from an authentic interest in them, which is very different from recommending affiliate products simply to make a commission.

4. Always roll out the red carpet, no matter how big or small the client’s purchase may be.

That newbie client who just bought into your group coaching program deserves to feel just as special as the experienced client who pays you thousands a month for your coaching services. Every client is important and should be respected because you never know where that relationship could lead (i.e. more referrals or JV partnerships).

5. Excel with your communication.

Never leave a client wondering what their next step is; always follow up quickly within your business hours and be very explicit about next steps. Never ask clients to call back; clients shouldn’t have to jump through hoops. And never offer excuses for why something isn’t completed; you are hired to be a problem solver, so figure out a way to finish the task on time.


Many good customer service habits are common sense but it never fails to think outside the box to find original ways to show your clients how much you appreciate them. The ultimate way to thank VIP clients is to invite them to a private retreat. While this is not a free retreat, with careful planning, they will happily pay you to come to a luxurious destination for some work and play. We’ve got all the planning details in our latest self-study course, How to Host a Transformative Private Retreat for Your Elite Clients.  Each module contains an Action Plan for careful planning as well as details for choosing a theme and location, and how to plan a retreat that will have your clients raving and wanting to come back next year.

Click here to learn more about this workshop




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