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How to Create a Funnel with Done-for-You Content

Ready to start building your business, but feeling overwhelmed with the steps necessary? You’re not alone. Mapping out the flow of an opt-in funnel can feel pretty impossible when you haven’t done it before, so we thought we’d walk you through it.

Step 1: Give it Your Own Spin

The first thing you should do with any rebrandable content you use is to give it your own voice, experience and perspective. You’ll want to change out the document colors (and maybe fonts) and logos, add in your own stories, and change up the language a bit so it sounds like you.

Step 2: Set Up Your Webinar

Both our Teach Your Tribe kits and Done-for-You Workshops & Courses include webinar scripts. You can use these as a free opt-in offer (people love training webinars) or record them to add to your members’ area. But regardless of your choice, you’ll need a webinar platform.

We use and love Zoom, but there are a lot of other options out there. Just be sure whichever platform you choose allows you to share your screen, since you’ll be using slides. You also want to make sure your platform has the option to record your presentation.

Step 3: Create Your Landing Page

If you’ll be offering your webinar as an opt-in incentive (rather than as content inside a membership site) then you’ll need some way to collect email addresses. That’s where your landing page comes in.

A landing (or opt-in) page is a short explanation of what viewers will gain from attending your event, and a form where they can enter their name and email address. We use LeadPages for all our opt-ins, but you could also use ClickFunnels, or even a page on your blog where you can embed an opt-in form.

You’ll also need a thank you page, which is the page subscribers will see immediately after registering for your event. This can be as simple as a “Thank you for registering,” but do be sure to include the date and time of your live event. In addition, the thank you page is a great place to add another call to action, such as:

– An upsell to a paid program related to your event
– An invitation to join your Facebook group
– An opportunity to book a discovery call with you

Step 4: Connect Your Autoresponder

When someone registers for your event, you’ll need to add them to your mailing list system so that you can send them reminder emails. Any autoresponder will work, such as MailChimp, AWeber, Active Campaign, or Convert Kit. Just be sure you can easily connect it with your landing page creator.

Step 5: Arrange for a Replay (Optional)

If you’ll be offering a replay of your webinar, you’ll need somewhere for that video to live. Some webinar platforms offer a replay page (Instant Teleseminar does, for example) but most do not. For those that do not, you’ll need to host your recorded webinar somewhere such as on YouTube or Vimeo, or upload it to your website.

Next you’ll need to create a webinar replay page, either with your landing page software or on your own website, and add in the video player. This page is where you’ll send people to watch the replay, so grab the URL and plug that into your follow-up message series in your autoresponder.

Step 6: Promote!

Once you have the structure completed, it’s time to start promoting. You can drive traffic to your webinar opt-in page in a dozen different ways. Some options are:

– On social media sites
– With paid advertising
– Through your blog
– To your existing mailing list
– On your podcast
– In Facebook groups  (or in which you have permission to promote)
– On your Facebook page

Coach Glue Done-for-You Workshops contain promotional material including blog posts and social updates, but you can also pull snippets from the webinar content itself, from the handouts and worksheets, and (in Teach Your Tribe kits) from the 21 ideas report.

Ready to Set Up Your Funnel?

Our Teach Your Tribe kits have everything you need to host your first (or your fifty-first) webinar. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you have to do is rebrand it and show up!

Inside each kit, you’ll find the webinar script, a slide deck, worksheets and checklists for your attendees, a 21 ideas blueprint you can sell or give away, and a calendar to help your clients stay on task. We even include a resource directory so you can share the best tools wit your tribe.

Check out our latest kit right here.

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