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What Makes Rock-Star Coaches Stand Out From The Crowd?


You know the kind of coach we’re talking about. She’s got it together. Her Facebook groups are active and friendly and always growing. Her client list is full. Her high-end coaching programs sell out every single time. She’s making money AND making a difference – and she makes it look so effortless.

What does she have that you don’t?

Is it the fancy sports car? The high heels? The designer dresses? No. The truth is, there are just three things that turn average coaches into rock stars.

1. They Have a Can-Do Attitude

You’ll never hear a super successful coach “wishing” for a break or lamenting how difficult business is. Instead, they embrace the challenges, knows that anything can be achieved if they work hard enough and do not give up.

Of course, sometimes that’s easier said than done. We all get down from time to time, and that includes top coaches, too.

The difference is, they don’t stay down. Sure, they might give themselves permission to have a little pity party for a day or so, but then they’re right back at it. And, they usually resist the temptation to mope or whine about their bad times even when sharing them – and they often wait until they’re stronger and there’s a lesson to share from going through them before telling the tale.

2. They Work With A Coach—Or Two

Here’s something else that sets rock-star coaches apart from others: they value the input of someone who’s “been there and done that.” They know that to go it alone is an exercise in frustration.

Sure, given enough drive and determination (and attitude), most people will eventually get to where they want to be, but it sure is a lot faster with someone to guide you.

Rock Star Coaches know this and they always have at least one coach, and sometimes two or three.

They pretty much always have a main business coach – someone who has accomplished something they wish to.

And then they may have a personal or life coach, a fitness coach, a wealth coach, or a coach for a very specific area of their business, like speaking or writing, too.

Yes, Rock Star Coaches know that a great coach will help you design your coaching programs, refine your message, get massive exposure, and develop your brand strategy. He or she will cheer you on when you’re feeling down, and shout your successes from the rooftops. Not only that, but a great coach will be able to provide feedback and ideas you simply cannot get from friends or family members.

3. They Always Have Something New On The Horizon

Great coaches are never “one hit wonders.” Every coaching or training program is followed by another, even better offer. Sure, they might have a signature course—something they are known for—but it won’t be their only offer.

Instead, rock star coaches are continually creating both free and paid courses, group coaching calls, workshops, challenges, eBooks and other training material.

They are showing their audiences that they are growing right along with them, and always providing them with exactly what they need, when they need it.

Are YOU Ready To Be A Rock Star?

At we don’t offer personal coaching, and we can’t give you that “can do” attitude, but we can help develop your coaching programs.

In fact, our All Access VIP program is a complete coaching business, done-for-you and ready to roll. All you have to add is your brand and personality and you’re ready to profit.

It includes…

  • Our “Teach Your Tribe” program provides content for you to use to host free or paid webinars, do group coaching calls, and teach on teleseminars. They even include slide decks and checklists.
  • Our Done-for-You Planners allow you to create a low-end, introductory product to offer new fans and followers or to grow your lists.
  • Our Coaching Workshops are complete training programs with multiple step-by-step modules, webinar scripts, worksheets, and more. You could easily take one of these and create a weekend workshop that you host in a beautiful location…. mountains, beach, city, island, farm, forest, desert. You choose.

Best of all, everything in our All Access VIP program is completely customizable and rebrandable, so you can easily add your own strategies and voice, and quickly create new programs for your clients.

So what do you think? Are you a rock star coach? If not, what is currently standing in your way?

Nicole & Melissa

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